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Find the right answer to all your questions regarding Fistula
Fistula issues typically require medical or surgical intervention rather than treatment solely through medication. While medications such as antibiotics or pain relievers can help manage symptoms like infection or discomfort, they often Read more
If you have been suffering from a fistula for the past three years, it’s essential to get the right treatment to ensure a permanent cure. Fistulas rarely heal on their own and Read more
If you're experiencing internal piles Read more
Dear patient,
For significant pain due to piles or hemmorrhoid inside and around the anus, over-the-counter remedies such as topical creams containing hydrocortisone and lidocaine can be useful. It can Read more
Bleeding in stools accompanied by pain can be due to various conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other gastrointestinal issues. Here's a detailed guide on how to Read more
Yes! fistulas with pus and blood discharge can be dangerous if left untreated. It can lead to worsening of symptoms, infections and other complications. Make sure to seek Read more
To manage a rectocele, post delivery you can engage in pelvic floor exercises (Kegels exercises) to strengthen the muscles. Also, consult a healthcare professional to explore further treatment Read more
The symptoms you're describing—pain during bowel movements, itchiness, dry skin near the anus, and occasional bleeding—could be related to a few conditions, such as anal fissures, hemorrhoids (piles), or irritation from skin dryness. Here’s a breakdown of possible causes:
Fistula issues typically require medical or surgical intervention rather than treatment solely through medication. While medications such as antibiotics or pain relievers can help manage symptoms like infection or discomfort, they often do not cure the fistula itself. Fistulas usually need a Read more
If you have been suffering from a fistula for the past three years, it’s essential to get the right treatment to ensure a permanent cure. Fistulas rarely heal on their own and typically require medical intervention to avoid complications and recurrence.
If you're experiencing internal piles pain and noticing that a little bit of piles comes Read more
Dear patient,
Stapler surgery ke baad kuch samay tak stool me Read more
For significant pain due to piles or hemmorrhoid inside and around the anus, over-the-counter remedies such as topical creams containing hydrocortisone and lidocaine can be useful. It can help reduce pain and inflammation. Oral pain relievers such as Read more
Bleeding in stools accompanied by pain can be due to various conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other gastrointestinal issues. Here's a detailed guide on how to aid healing and manage symptoms:
Yes! fistulas with pus and blood discharge can be dangerous if left untreated. It can lead to worsening of symptoms, infections and other complications. Make sure to seek medical attention to manage the condition effectively. Learn more Read more
To manage a rectocele, post delivery you can engage in pelvic floor exercises (Kegels exercises) to strengthen the muscles. Also, consult a healthcare professional to explore further treatment options including physical therapy or surgery. Know more Read more
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For the past 2-3 months I am suffering from pain during bowel movement, but there was no blood or anything but from the last month I am suffering with itchiness and dry skin near my anus with pain and sometimes little blood. ( 4 times total)
The symptoms you're describing—pain during bowel movements, itchiness, dry skin near the anus, and occasional bleeding—could be related to a few conditions, such as anal fissures, hemorrhoids (piles), or irritation from skin Read more