Total hip replacement surgery is a procedure where the damaged or diseased hip joint is entirely replaced with artificial components to relieve pain and improve hip function. It involves replacing both Read more
After hip replacement, avoid high-impact activities like running and jumping, as well as deep squats or heavy leg lifts, which can stress the hip joint. Consult your surgeon or Read more
The labrum is often preserved during hip replacement, but in some cases of severe damage or labral tears, it may be partially or entirely removed, depending on the surgical Read more
Yes, hip replacement is considered a major surgical procedure, involving the removal and replacement of the hip joint's damaged components with artificial implants. It typically requires hospitalization, anesthesia, and Read more
The weight of a ceramic hip replacement implant can vary depending on its size and design, but it typically ranges from 60 to 120 grams (2.1 to 4.2 ounces).
You can suspect a failing hip replacement if you experience increasing pain, reduced mobility, or signs of instability in your hip joint. Consult your orthopedic surgeon for a thorough
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Hip replacement does not cure avascular necrosis (AVN) but can effectively alleviate pain and restore hip function in AVN patients by replacing the damaged hip joint. It addresses the Read more
Hip replacement surgery is a medical procedure in which the damaged or deteriorated hip joint is replaced with artificial components to relieve pain and restore mobility. It is often performed to Read more
After hip replacement surgery, you should avoid:
-High-impact activities like running or jumping.
-Crossing your legs or bending your hips past a 90-degree angle.
-Sitting on low chairs or stools without proper
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Robotic hip replacement can offer advantages in terms of precision and accuracy during surgery, potentially leading to better outcomes and faster recovery for some patients. However, the choice between robotic and Read more
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What is total hip replacement surgery?
Total hip replacement surgery is a procedure where the damaged or diseased hip joint is entirely replaced with artificial components to relieve pain and improve hip function. It Read more