ACL Reconstruction

Managing Pain and Swelling after ACL Surgery: Tips and Strategies

Managing Pain and Swelling after ACL Surgery: Tips and Strategies
by admin
28th August 2023
7 minutes read


Undergoing ACL reconstruction surgery is a significant step towards recovering from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and regaining knee stability. However, the recovery process can be challenging due to post-operative pain and swelling. Managing pain and swelling effectively is crucial for a successful rehabilitation journey. In this blog, we will explore tips and strategies to cope with pain and swelling after ACL surgery, enabling patients to achieve optimal outcomes and a quicker return to an active lifestyle.

Understanding ACL Reconstruction Surgery

ACL reconstruction is a surgical procedure performed to repair a torn ACL in the knee joint. The surgery involves replacing the damaged ligament with a graft sourced from the patient’s own tissues (autograft) or a donor (allograft). The most common approach is arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, which uses small incisions and an arthroscope to visualize and repair the knee joint, leading to less tissue damage and quicker recovery.

Post-Operative Pain after ACL Surgery

Following ACL reconstruction surgery, it is common for patients to experience varying degrees of pain and discomfort. The severity of pain depends on factors such as individual pain tolerance, the extent of the surgery, and the type of graft used. Fortunately, there are several strategies to manage pain effectively and improve the overall recovery experience.

1. Medication Management:

Prescribed Pain Medications: The surgeon will likely prescribe pain medications to alleviate post-operative pain. These may include opioids or non-opioid pain relievers. It is essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not exceed the recommended limits.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help reduce pain and inflammation. However, it is crucial to consult the surgeon or a healthcare professional before using NSAIDs, as they may interfere with the healing process in some cases.

2. R.I.C.E Therapy:

Rest: Adequate rest is vital for the initial healing process. Avoid putting weight on the surgical leg and use crutches or a brace as directed by the surgeon.

Ice: Applying ice packs to the knee for 15-20 minutes every few hours can help reduce swelling and provide pain relief.

Compression: Wearing a compression bandage or sleeve can minimize swelling and support the knee.

Elevation: Elevating the leg above the heart level when resting helps reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.

3. CPM Machine (Continuous Passive Motion):

Some surgeons may recommend the use of a CPM machine, which gently moves the knee joint through a controlled range of motion. This can help prevent joint stiffness, improve circulation, and reduce pain and swelling.

4. Physical Therapy and Exercise:

A structured physical therapy program is a crucial part of ACL surgery recovery. Gradual exercises, under the guidance of a physical therapist, help improve knee strength, flexibility, and stability. Strengthening the surrounding muscles reduces stress on the knee joint and aids in pain management.

5. Mind-Body Techniques:

Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and guided imagery can help manage pain and promote relaxation. Engaging in these practices can reduce stress, which can contribute to a more positive recovery experience.

6. Nutrition and Hydration:

A balanced and nutritious diet promotes healing and helps manage inflammation. Adequate hydration is also essential for overall recovery and can aid in reducing swelling.

Managing Swelling after ACL Surgery

Swelling is a natural response of the body after surgery, and managing it effectively is essential for a smooth recovery process. Swelling can lead to discomfort, restricted range of motion, and delayed healing. Here are some strategies to manage swelling after ACL surgery:

1. Ice and Elevation:

Applying ice packs to the knee and elevating the leg above heart level help reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels and promoting fluid drainage.

2. Compression Garments:

Wearing compression garments or bandages provides gentle pressure on the knee, reducing swelling and supporting the injured area.

3. Avoiding Prolonged Sitting or Standing:

Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods as it can worsen swelling. Regularly changing positions and taking short walks can improve circulation and reduce fluid accumulation.

4. Range of Motion Exercises:

Gentle range of motion exercises, as prescribed by the surgeon or physical therapist, can prevent joint stiffness and improve fluid drainage.

5. Lymphatic Drainage Massage:

Lymphatic drainage massage, performed by a licensed therapist, can help reduce swelling by facilitating the drainage of excess fluid from the affected area.

6. Limited Sodium Intake:

Reducing sodium intake in the diet can help prevent water retention, which may contribute to swelling.

7. Gradual Increase in Activity:

Gradually increasing physical activity as recommended by the surgeon and physical therapist helps prevent overexertion, which can lead to increased swelling.

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

While some pain and swelling are expected after ACL surgery, certain signs may indicate a need to seek medical attention:

  • Persistent or Increasing Pain: If pain worsens or does not improve with prescribed medications and R.I.C.E therapy.
  • Excessive Swelling: If the knee becomes excessively swollen, red, or warm to the touch, which may indicate infection or another complication.
  • Numbness or Tingling: If the patient experiences unusual sensations or loss of feeling in the surgical area.
  • Signs of Blood Clots: Symptoms may include sudden leg swelling, pain, or redness in the calf. This requires immediate medical attention.


Managing pain and swelling after ACL surgery is vital for a successful recovery and a safe return to an active lifestyle. Following the prescribed pain management plan, incorporating R.I.C.E therapy, adhering to a structured physical therapy program, and maintaining a balanced diet and hydration all play essential roles in the recovery process. It is crucial to work closely with the healthcare team and follow their guidance to achieve optimal outcomes and ensure a smoother rehabilitation journey after ACL surgery.

How Can Medfin Help?

Medfin is a daycare surgery expert providing access to the latest surgical procedures and top doctors in your city at affordable prices. Medfin provides you access to top doctors and surgeons with 10+ years of experience. With Medfin, you can leave your hassles behind and focus on your health. From instant consultations to paperwork assistance, we have got you covered with everything.  So why wait? Call us today! 

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1. Will I need to wear a brace after ACL surgery?

The use of knee braces after ACL surgery varies depending on the surgeon’s preference and the individual patient’s condition. Some surgeons may recommend using a brace during physical activities or sports to provide additional support, while others may not require it.

2. When can I return to sports after ACL surgery?

Returning to sports after ACL surgery is a gradual process and depends on individual progress and clearance from the surgeon and physical therapist. Athletes can typically start light, non-contact sports activities around 6 to 9 months after surgery, with full return to high-intensity sports allowed after 9 to 12 months.

3. How can I manage pain and swelling after ACL surgery?

To manage pain and swelling after ACL surgery, follow the R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol in the initial days. Pain medications prescribed by your surgeon can help alleviate discomfort. Engaging in physical therapy exercises and using a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine, if recommended, can aid in reducing swelling.

4. When can I drive after ACL surgery?

The ability to drive after ACL surgery depends on several factors, including which leg was operated on, the type of vehicle (automatic or manual), and the individual’s pain tolerance. In general, most people can begin driving again after being off pain medications and when they can safely control the vehicle.

5. Can I resume my daily activities after ACL surgery?

Yes, you can resume light daily activities soon after ACL surgery, but it is crucial to avoid high-impact activities and movements that may put stress on the healing knee. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines and gradually increase your activities as you progress in your rehabilitation program.