Varicose Veins / Vascular

Varicose Veins: FAQs that you might have in mind

Varicose Veins: FAQs that you might have in mind
by admin
6th November 2019
4 minutes read


If you just heard of someone with varicose veins, or you have them, you may have a lot of questions in your head. We understand what those questions might be and are answering them here. Read on to get answers to those questions in your mind.

4 Questions that might come to you Immediately

Q1. Are Varicose Veins dangerous?

Ans. While some people consider varicose veins to be not dangerous and to be just some cosmetic issue, in reality it is not the case. They can cause pain, swelling and sometimes restless leg syndrome. In fact, they might leave to superficial phlebitis and DVT if you fail to treat them in time. In some cases it is the first stage of Chronic Venous Disease.

Q2. What are the main Causes of Varicose Veins?

Ans. Our body contains veins which allow the blood to flow back to heart from various organs. These veins have one directional valve. When the pressure required to get blood to heart is less than the pressure exerted on the blood in the veins, the blood starts to pool.

Since the veins which are deep have muscular support, and superficial veins have less support, they are more likely to become varicose Veins. If there are situations where you put lot of pressure on these veins, then there is a chance that you might end up developing varicose veins. These situations include obesity, standing for prolonged period and pregnancy.

Q3. How do you fix varicose veins?

Ans. There are several ways to treat them. Initially the doctor will suggest you to use support stockings, and to walk. If you are obese, then doctor will suggest weight loss. After that the doctor may suggest surgical options. He might suggest open surgery, radiofrequency occlusion, sclerotherapy and laser surgery. Laser Surgery (EVLT) is opted by many patients since it is minimally invasive and a daycare procedure.

Q4. When should I be concerned about Varicose Veins?

Ans. You should consult a doctor when the symptoms start show. The symptoms are

  1. The veins will become blue or dark purple in color & Skin might become decolored.
  2. You might see veins in your legs that appear to be twisted and bulging.
  3. Your leg might feel achy, heavy or itchy around your veins.
  4. After you sit or stand up your pain may worsen.
  5. Throbbing, Burning, swelling and muscle cramping in your lower legs.

More FAQs!

Q5. How do you know if Varicose Veins are dangerous?

Ans. They may lead to DVT and sometimes it is the first stage of Chronic Venous Disease. These might lead to further complications. So it is better to consult to doctor as soon as possible.

Q6. What happens if varicose Veins are left untreated?

Ans. If they are left untreated, then it will initially cause pain, swelling and sometimes restless leg syndrome. Sometimes walking and other mild exercises will help you bringing under control. If it doesn’t happen, then it might lead to superficial phlebitis and DVT. Sometimes Varicose Veins is the first stage of Chronic Venous Disease. It may lead to Ulcers which are difficult to heal.

Q7. What is the best home remedy for Varicose Veins?

Ans. If you are looking for home remedies to manage them and improve it’s symptoms, then some remedies which may be helpful are:

  1. Doing Exercises
  2. Wearing Compression Stockings
  3. Dietary Changes (Consult your doctor to find diet which is suitable for your conditions)
  4. Keeping legs in elevated position.

Q8. Is removing Varicose Veins dangerous?

Ans. Removing them is not life threatening but some complications may arise. You might see swelling, change in skin color, pain and bruising. Sometimes there might be blood clots and infection

Q9. Is Walking good for Varicose Veins?

Ans. Doctors may suggest walking in the initial stages as alternative to surgery, if they still persists then they might suggest surgery. Even after surgery doctor will suggest walking. So, yes walking is good but don’t consider it as permanent treatment. It is better to consult your doctor.

We hope, these have answered your questions. If you still have more queries, you can consult  our doctors.

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