Anal Fissures / Anal Fistula / Health / Lifestyle / Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Constipation – Why You Should Not Ignore It?

If you experience constipation regularly, over time you’ll be at risk for various complications. These include piles and…

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by admin

23rd May 2022

5 minutes read


Cataract / Eye Care / Lifestyle / Ophthalmology / Patient Testimonials

Medfin Stories : Patient testimonial for Laser Cataract surgery

Read the recovery story of our patient who had undergone Laser cataract surgery and his honest experience with…

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by Jeevitha

8th November 2021

2 minutes read


ASK A DOCTOR / Health / Lifestyle

Health Literacy in India: A Challenge for Millions

The percentage of health literacy in India is surely under the microscope. Why is it a big question…

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by Jeevitha

13th October 2021

5 minutes read


ASK A DOCTOR / Health / Lifestyle

Mental Health & Chronic Disease – Understanding the Interconnection

This mental health awareness week, let’s understand the interconnection between mental health and chronic disease & tips how…

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by Jeevitha

8th October 2021

4 minutes read


ASK A DOCTOR / Covid-19 / Health / Lifestyle

COVID-19 reverses progress of Medical financing in India

What is the root of the healthcare financial crisis that followed the pandemic? Because of the lack of…

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by Jeevitha

29th September 2021

4 minutes read

Post-Surgical stress - A Roadblock to Fast Recovery

Health / Lifestyle

Post-Surgical stress – A Roadblock to Fast Recovery

Post-operative stress is a major surgical consequence that needs to be addressed.

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by Jeevitha

22nd September 2021

4 minutes read

second opinion

ASK A DOCTOR / Lifestyle

Second Opinion – A Second Chance to Better Treatment

When people buy a car, a house or make any major investment, they visit the idea more than…

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by Jeevitha

15th September 2021

4 minutes read

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