
Breast Lump Excision

How to Cure a Breast Lump: Understanding Your Options

Finding a lump in your breast can be an unnerving experience. However, it is important to remember that…

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by admin

28th August 2023

6 minutes read


Breast Lump Excision

I Found a Breast Lump But Delayed Seeing a Doctor: Know the Complications

What are Breast Lumps? Breast lumps are abnormal growths or masses that form in the breast tissue. They…

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by admin

28th August 2023

5 minutes read


Breast Lump Excision

When to Worry About Breast Lumps: A Comprehensive Guide

Breast health is a vital aspect of overall health in women and men alike. The breasts, or ‘women’s…

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by admin

28th August 2023

5 minutes read

ALL Breast Lump Cannot Be Cancerous - Breast Lump Excision

Breast Lump Excision

ALL Breast Lump Cannot Be Cancerous – Breast Lump Excision

Breast cancer has become one of the most diagnosed cancers worldwide. While it predominantly affects women, men too…

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by admin

28th August 2023

5 minutes read

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