Unraveling the Best Treatment Option for Anal Fistula

Anal Fistula

Unraveling the Best Treatment Option for Anal Fistula

Anal fistulas are uncomfortable and challenging health conditions that require careful management to ensure proper healing and minimal…

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by admin

26th September 2023

7 minutes read


Anal Fistula

How to Cure Fistula Permanently: A Comprehensive Guide to Fistula Treatment

In the journey of life, health issues may pose as formidable bumps on the road, causing physical discomfort…

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by admin

29th August 2023

7 minutes read

Anal Fissures / Anal Fistula / Health / Lifestyle / Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Constipation – Why You Should Not Ignore It?

If you experience constipation regularly, over time you’ll be at risk for various complications. These include piles and…

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by admin

23rd May 2022

5 minutes read

What Is An Anal Fistula? Here’s Everything You Need To Know About It!

Anal Fistula / Proctology

What Is An Anal Fistula? Here’s Everything You Need To Know About It!

From causes, symptoms and complications to diagnosis, treatment and management, here's all that you need to know about…

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by admin

3rd March 2022

5 minutes read

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