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Breast Lump Excision

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Breast Lump Excision

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A breast lump is a small, localized swelling, protuberance, protrusion, or bump on the breast that is distinct in texture from the surrounding breast tissue. Both men and women may have breast lumps, but women are more likely to have them. 

Even though most breast lumps are not cancerous, both men and women worry that they may have breast cancer.  However, a breast lump does not always indicate the presence of breast cancer. To determine the cause of a breast lump and check whether you require treatment, make sure to speak with your healthcare professional without any further delay. Read on to learn more about breast lumps.

What Is A Breast Lump?

A breast lump is a growth, mass, or swelling in the breast that feels different in texture than the surrounding breast tissue. There are numerous causes of breast lumps such as hormonal changes, infections, or cysts. 

Breast lumps may feel different depending on their location, size, and composition. They can be hard or soft, painful or painless, and movable or immobile. If you notice a lump or change in your breast, it's important to get it evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the cause and appropriate treatment, if needed.

What Are The Causes Of Breast Lumps?

Breast lumps can have various causes, including:

  • Fibroadenoma: Fibroadenomas are non-cancerous breast lumps that feel hard and rubbery when touched. Fibroadenomas are very common among women of reproductive age and consist of glandular and connective tissue.
  • Cyst: Fluid-filled sacs develop when the fluid becomes entrapped in milk ducts. These are called cysts. They often feel like soft grapes. Generally, premenopausal women and lactating women develop cysts.
  • Fibrocystic changes: A frequent noncancerous disorder primarily affecting premenopausal women is fibrocystic breast changes. The illness causes "lumpy" cystic alterations in the breast tissue.
  • Infection: Mastitis, a breast infection, can lead to the development of a breast lump.
  • Cancer: A tumor growing in the breast region results in the formation of a breast lump.
  • Lipoma: These are the slow-growing collections of fatty tissue that cause non-cancerous lumps in the breasts.
  • Injury: If your breast is severely damaged, blood may accumulate and feel like a lump, known as a hematoma. Your healthcare professional might need to drain the blood if the lumps do not get better. Usually, they heal on their own.
  • Gynecomastia: The swelling of breast tissue in males can also cause breast lumps. 
  • Intraductal papilloma: It is a benign, wart-like tumor that may develop in a duct of the breast. 
  • Fat necrosis: The death of fat cells in the breast after an infection or medical intervention, may result in the formation of scar tissue or a cyst, which appears as a non-cancerous lump. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Breast Lumps?

The most common sign of a breast lump is a visible, uncomfortable lump in the breast area. Breast lumps are often benign and treatable; occasionally, they may disappear on their own.

If you see any of the symptoms listed below, seek immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare professional.

  • If you find or observe a fresh lump
  • If there is a sudden change in the shape or size of your breasts.
  • The skin of your breast is red or starts to pucker like an orange peel.
  • An area of your breast is noticeably different from the rest.
  • A lump with breast pain that does not go away after menstruation
  • Your nipple is inverted (if it wasn't previously), with or without an abnormal discharge.

How Is The Diagnosis Of A Breast Lump Done?

Consult your healthcare provider immediately if you feel a lump or notice anything unusual in your breast. Here’s what you can expect during the diagnosis process:

  • Medical History: Your doctor will discuss your medical and family history. He/she may also inquire about your current medications and supplements, if any.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound is a non-invasive, painless treatment that creates images of your breast using sound waves. Ultrasound can help the doctor determine whether the breast lump is a solid lump or a fluid-filled cyst.
  • Mammogram: A low-dose X-ray examination of breast tissue is called a mammogram.  It is a technique medical professionals use to detect breast cancer in its early stages. If you experience a new symptom such as a lump, soreness, nipple discharge, or breast skin changes, your healthcare providers may also utilize mammography to check for any abnormalities. It's referred to as "diagnostic mammography."
  • Breast MRI: This imaging procedure uses magnetic fields to produce fine-grained pictures of the breasts to easily identify the root cause of the breast lump.
  • Needle aspiration: In a needle biopsy, cells, fluid, or tissue are removed from a suspicious lump using a thin, hollow needle and syringe. To identify the origin of the anomaly, the material is then examined under a microscope or put through a series of tests in a lab.
  • Breast Biopsy: In a biopsy, cells, fluid, or tissue are removed from the suspicious lump and examined under a microscope or put through a series of tests in a lab to identify the origin of the anomaly.  Breast biopsy options include fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core needle biopsy, stereotactic biopsy, vacuum-assisted biopsy, and surgical excisional biopsy. 

What Are The Preventive Methods For A Breast Lump?

Breast lumps can have different causes. Thus, not all types of breast lumps can be prevented. However, you can take some steps to reduce the risk of developing certain types of breast lumps:

  • Self-examining your breasts regularly: Be mindful of your body. Speak with your healthcare practitioner if you experience any changes or suspect a problem. Keep an eye out for breast changes and let your doctor know if you have any worries. Your healthcare provider can provide information about the treatment options available.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: You can reduce your risk of developing breast lumps by maintaining a healthy weight. This can be achieved by combining a healthy, balanced diet with regular physical activity.
  • Following a schedule of daily exercise: Doing regular exercise can help lower the risk of acquiring breast lumps and breast cancer.
  • Undergoing regular body checkups: It is important to have body checks regularly to monitor normal body functioning and receive appropriate treatment if necessary.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking: Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking, as these factors may increase the risk of breast lumps and breast cancer.

What Are The Treatment Options For A Breast Lump?

The treatment options for breast lumps depend on the underlying cause. Here are some possible treatment options:

  • Wait and watch treatment: If the breast lump is determined to be benign (non-cancerous) and not causing any symptoms, your healthcare provider may recommend observing it over time and monitoring any changes.
  • Antibiotics: Breast lumps that are caused by bacterial infections are treated with prescribed antibiotics. 
  • Fluid drainage: Your doctor will choose a fluid drainage technique if the cause of the breast lump is a breast cyst. In the drainage method, the fluid-filled cyst is removed via ultrasound-guided needle aspiration.
  • Cancer Treatment: If the breast lump proves to be cancerous, the following treatment modalities may be used: 
    • A lumpectomy: A lumpectomy is a surgery to remove cancer or other abnormal tissue from the breast along with some normal tissue around it. The entire breast is not removed. 
    • Mastectomy: A mastectomy is a procedure in which the entire breast is removed. A mastectomy could be performed when a woman cannot be treated with a lumpectomy (lump removal surgery), which preserves most of the breast.
    • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a method that utilizes chemicals to eradicate cancer cells.
    • Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is a method that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

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