
Which Circumcision Technique Is Better? A Comprehensive Comparison

Which Circumcision Technique Is Better? A Comprehensive Comparison
by admin
29th August 2023
6 minutes read


Circumcision is a common surgical procedure involving the removal of the foreskin from the penis. It holds cultural, religious, and medical significance for various communities. With advancements in medical technology, different circumcision techniques have emerged, including traditional methods and modern approaches like laser circumcision. If you or a loved one is considering circumcision, it’s crucial to understand the available techniques and make an informed decision. In this blog, we’ll explore the various circumcision techniques, their pros and cons, the procedure itself, aftercare, and factors to consider when choosing the best method for your situation.

Types of Circumcision

There are several types of circumcision techniques, each with its own approach and considerations. Here are some common types:

This is the traditional method where a small incision is made in the foreskin, and the excess tissue is removed. The wound is then stitched or sutured. It’s a straightforward technique.

  • Laser Circumcision:

Laser circumcision uses laser technology to make precise incisions and remove the foreskin. The laser’s energy helps control bleeding, potentially leading to faster healing.

A medical stapler is used to remove the foreskin and simultaneously close the wound with staples. It’s a relatively modern approach that aims to reduce bleeding.

  • Plastibell Circumcision:

A Plastibell, a plastic device, is placed over the glans and the foreskin is stretched over it. A ligature is tied at the base of the Plastibell, causing the excess foreskin to dry and fall off over time.

  • Gomco Clamp Circumcision:

The Gomco clamp secures the foreskin, and the excess tissue is excised using a scalpel. It’s often used in newborns and infants.

  • Mogen Clamp Circumcision:

Similar to the Gomco clamp, the Mogen clamp secures the foreskin. A circular incision is made around the foreskin, and the excess tissue is removed.

  • ZSR Circumcision:

The ZSR Circumcision Device is a newer technique involving a specialized instrument. It aims for quicker healing and less tissue removal compared to traditional methods.


This technique is used to treat phimosis (a tight foreskin) without complete removal. The foreskin is partially incised to widen the opening while preserving the majority of the tissue.

Choosing the appropriate type of circumcision depends on factors such as medical needs, individual preferences, cultural or religious beliefs, and the expertise of the healthcare provider. Consulting a qualified medical professional is crucial to determine the most suitable technique for each individual’s circumstances.

Circumcision Procedure

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis. This procedure can be performed for various reasons, including cultural, religious, medical, or personal preferences. Understanding what happens before, during, and after the circumcision can help individuals prepare and recover effectively. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the circumcision procedure and its stages:

1. Before the Circumcision:

  • Consultation and Evaluation:

Before scheduling the circumcision, a consultation with a medical professional is essential. They will assess the individual’s health, discuss the reasons for circumcision, explain the procedure, and answer any questions.

  • Preoperative Instructions:

The healthcare provider will provide specific instructions to prepare for the procedure. These instructions might include fasting for a certain period before the surgery and discontinuing certain medications that could affect bleeding.

  • Consent:

Informed consent is obtained from the individual or, in the case of infants, from the parents or guardians. The risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure are explained in detail.

2. During the Circumcision:

  • Anesthesia:

Anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure. Depending on the age of the individual, local anesthesia (numbing only the area) or general anesthesia (patient is unconscious) might be used.

  • Preparation:

The surgical area is cleaned and prepared for the procedure. The individual is positioned appropriately for access to the penis.

  • Circumcision Technique:

The chosen circumcision technique (conventional, laser, etc.) is performed by the surgeon. The foreskin is removed according to the selected method.

  • Hemostasis (Control of Bleeding):

Hemostasis techniques are employed to control bleeding, ensuring a safe and successful procedure.

3. After the Circumcision:

  • Recovery Room:

After the procedure, the individual is monitored in a recovery area until the effects of anesthesia wear off. This is especially important if general anesthesia was used.

  • Pain Management:

Pain medication might be prescribed to manage any discomfort. Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding medication dosage and timing.

  • Dressing and Care:

The surgical site is dressed to protect it and promote healing. Follow the doctor’s advice on dressing changes, cleaning, and applying any ointments.

  • Activity Restrictions:

Strenuous physical activities, heavy lifting, and sexual activity should be avoided for a certain period to allow proper healing.

Follow-Up Appointments:

A follow-up appointment is scheduled to assess the healing progress and ensure there are no complications.

1.Hygiene and Aftercare:

Maintaining proper hygiene is crucial to prevent infection. Follow the doctor’s instructions on cleaning the area and changing dressings.

2. Healing Time:

The healing time varies depending on the individual and the chosen circumcision technique. Generally, the initial healing phase takes around 1-2 weeks.


Choosing the best circumcision technique involves weighing factors like precision, bleeding risk, scarring, and recovery time. While both traditional and laser circumcision have their advantages, laser circumcision’s precise incisions and reduced bleeding make it an appealing option for many.

However, the final decision should be made in consultation with a medical professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your individual circumstances, preferences, and medical needs. Remember that a successful outcome depends on both the chosen technique and the surgeon’s expertise, so prioritize careful consideration and expert advice.


1. How long does the recovery process take after circumcision?

The initial recovery phase typically lasts around 1-2 weeks. However, complete healing, including the resolution of swelling and scar tissue, may take several weeks to a few months.

2. Is pain normal after circumcision?

Yes, it’s normal to experience some discomfort after circumcision. Pain can be managed with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medications as recommended by your healthcare provider.

3. Can I resume normal activities after circumcision?

Strenuous physical activities, heavy lifting, and sexual activity should be avoided for a few weeks to promote proper healing and prevent complications.

4. How should I care for the surgical site after circumcision?

Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on wound care, dressing changes, and applying any prescribed ointments. Proper hygiene is essential to prevent infection.

5. Will there be swelling and bruising after circumcision?

Swelling is common after circumcision and can vary in severity. Applying ice packs and keeping the surgical area elevated can help reduce swelling. Some bruising might also occur but is usually temporary.

6. When should I have a follow-up appointment after circumcision?

A follow-up appointment is typically scheduled within a week or two after the procedure. During this appointment, your healthcare provider will assess your healing progress and address any concerns you may have.