
Laparoscopy vs Open Surgery for Hernia Repair

Laparoscopy vs Open Surgery for Hernia Repair
by admin
18th August 2023
6 minutes read

Have you noticed a lump or a bulge lately in any part of your body which disappears when you lie down and wonder what it must be? Well, most often, a small bulge or a lump could be indicative of a hernia which usually goes unnoticed many times. These are abnormal protrusions of any organ or part of your body through a muscle that contains it, thereby disrupting the natural protective barrier. Hernias occur due to a damage or strain over the muscle wall, which contains the particular organ or tissue affected during strenuous activities like chronic (long-lasting) cough, constipation, or due to any injury. Factors like smoking, obesity (being overweight), multiple pregnancies, and family history could be some of the major risk factors for you to develop hernias. These typically occur in the abdomen and pelvic area, but may also affect your groins, umbilicus  (navel), and your lower chest. 

Symptoms can vary according to the location it is present, which include- a prominent bulge, abdominal or pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn, acidity, chest pain and shortness of breath. Most often small hernias do not require any treatment but enlarged hernias that have a negative impact on your overall health and quality of life require a surgical intervention. Surgery may be through an open or a laparoscopic approach depending on the size and the severity of the hernia. 

Read on to know which surgical approach is better-open or laparoscopic hernia repair.

Which is Better: Laparoscopic or Open Hernia Surgery?

Open and laparoscopic techniques are surgical procedures that help to repair a hernia and alleviate symptoms like abdominal and pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux and chest pain. Enlarged hernias need to be treated surgically to improve your quality of life and prevent further complications. Hernias if left untreated can cause devastating effects on your health due to complications like obstruction (a part of the hernia is blocked or trapped within the tissue) and strangulation (the trapped part of your hernia is deprived of the blood supply)

When it comes to surgery, you are likely to wonder which surgical approach would be better for your situation. To solve your queries and doubts, it is important to first understand the difference between the two surgical techniques to come to a definite conclusion. 

A detailed comparison between the two surgical procedures shows that the laparoscopic approach for hernia repair is better than the open hernia repair owing to the minimal invasiveness, faster recovery and minimal postoperative complications that can be easily managed. The advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages. However, your surgeon will greatly influence your decision of choosing the right technique that suits your best according to the nature of your hernia.TakeawayHernias when enlarged cause varying symptoms that negatively impact your quality of life, hence they need to be surgically treated. There are two surgical approaches namely open or traditional surgery and laparoscopic approach. These two procedures differ from each other in terms of technique, advantages, disadvantages, recovery, post-op complications and the cost as mentioned above in the blog. Nevertheless, laparoscopic hernia repair is believed to be more superior and effective with high success rate and minimal post-op complications when compared to an open hernia repair.As a layman, you may not be well versed like a hernia specialist to make the final decision about the hernia treatment. So, get in touch with our expert hernia specialists at Medfin, to determine the best surgical technique that suits you best!DisclaimerThe content on this site is the copyright of Medfin and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This should not be considered as a substitute for medical and surgical expertise. Results from any treatments or surgeries are subjective to an individual patient and the type of procedure/ surgery performed. Please seek professional help regarding any medical concerns. Medfin will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.


Open Hernia Repair

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair


  • Involves a single large incision (cut) around 3 to 4 cm in length
  • The surgery involves a general anesthesia
  • Open surgery is done by removing the hernia sac and pushing the tissues back to its original position and placing a mesh over it.
  • Involves 2 to 3 tiny keyhole sized incisions measuring around 0.5 cm each.
  • Surgery involves general or regional anesthesia
  • In this approach, a laparoscope (medical device that consists of a small camera and light source) is inserted through one of the keyhole sized cuts. The camera captures the images of the interior and is projected on a big screen which guides the surgeon to remove the sac and push back the tissue.

Indicated for

  • Femoral hernia
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Incional hernia
  • Hiatus hernia 


  • This approach can repair large sized hernias
  • It can effectively remove the defects easily.
  • Minimally invasive procedure that involves minimal bleeding.
  • There is less damage to surrounding structures
  • Usually there are fewer post-op complications
  • Less scarring when compared to open surgery
  • Faster recovery


  • Involves a large scar
  • It is an invasive procedure accompanied by bleeding at the surgical site
  • Slow healing and recovery rate
  • You are likely to have more post-op complications when compared to laparoscopic surgery
  • The procedure takes more time when compared to an open surgery
  • It is less cost-effective
  • This approach cannot be used for large hernias

Duration of the procedure

  • The surgical time ranges between 30 to 60  minutes for a basic hernia
  • Complex hernia surgery usually takes 3 to 6 hours
  • Basic hernia surgery takes around 1 to 2 hours
  • Complex hernia surgery take around 2 to 5 hours

Hospital stay

Open surgery requires hospitalization of approximately 2 to 3 days. Laparoscopic surgery is an outpatient procedure with no hospitalization required. However, in complex hernia surgery you may be kept under observation for 24 hours.

Post-surgery complications

These include:

  • Wound hematoma (blood clot)
  • Urinary retention
  • Bowel obstruction 
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia- hives, rashes, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath
Mild post-op complications that include:

  • Mild pain
  • Bruising and swelling around the surgical site
  • Mild abdominal bloating
  • Wound infection

Recovery after surgery

Recovery takes around 4 to 6 weeks Recovery post-laparoscopic surgery is quick and takes around 3 to 4 weeks

Success rate

Has a success rate of 80 to 90% Has a success rate of 85 to 95%


Approximately ranges between Rs. 55,000 to Rs. 2,00,000 Approximately ranges between Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 2,60,000


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