
9 Things You Must Know About Varicocele Embolization

9 Things You Must Know About Varicocele Embolization
by admin
31st August 2023
6 minutes read

Varicoceles are a common condition that can cause discomfort and fertility problems in men. Traditionally, they have been treated through invasive surgery, but there is an increasingly popular alternative that many men and their doctors are considering: varicocele embolization. Here are the nine things you must know about varicocele embolization.

1. Understanding Varicoceles

Varicoceles are enlargements of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). Similar to varicose veins that can occur in your legs, varicoceles are a result of faulty valves in the veins that allow blood to pool and enlarge them.

The symptoms of a varicocele vary. Some men experience no symptoms at all, while others may experience a dull discomfort, a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, or swelling. In severe cases, varicoceles can lead to infertility or shrinkage of the testicles.

2. Varicocele Treatment Options

Varicocele treatment typically involves either surgery or embolization. Varicocele surgery, known as varicocelectomy, involves cutting into the body and tying off the affected veins. This prevents blood from pooling and causing further enlargement of the veins.

However, varicocele embolization is a less invasive option that’s gaining popularity. This procedure uses a catheter to insert small coils or a special solution into the affected veins, causing them to scar and effectively close off. This embolization treatment is an effective non-surgical varicocele management method that can be performed as an outpatient procedure.

3. Varicocele Embolization Procedure

The varicocele embolization procedure is less invasive than traditional varicocele surgery. It involves inserting a thin tube (catheter) through a small incision in the groin or neck. The doctor then guides the catheter to the varicocele using real-time X-ray guidance. Once in place, coils or a special solution are passed through the catheter to block the faulty veins.

This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia, meaning you’ll be awake but your groin area will be numb. You may also be given a mild sedative to help you relax.

4. Varicocele Pain and Embolization

One of the primary reasons men seek treatment for varicoceles is due to the discomfort and pain they can cause. Varicocele pain can range from a dull ache to sharp pain and can be exacerbated by standing or physical exertion.

Varicocele embolization has been found to be very effective in treating varicocele pain. As the embolization procedure closes off the faulty veins, the blood flow is redirected to healthier veins, relieving the pressure and subsequent pain caused by the varicoceles.

Related Information: Hydrocele treatment

5. Varicocele Embolization and Fertility

Varicoceles can sometimes cause infertility by raising the temperature in the testicles and affecting sperm production. Studies show that varicocele embolization can improve sperm count, motility, and morphology, thereby enhancing fertility. While not all patients with varicoceles are infertile, this potential benefit makes embolization an attractive treatment option for many men.

6. Risk and Complications of Varicocele Embolization

While varicocele embolization is generally safe, as with any medical procedure, it does carry some risks. These can include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction to the contrast dye, damage to the blood vessels, or formation of a blood clot.

However, compared to varicocele surgery, the risks and complications associated with varicocele embolization are often less severe. It’s always crucial to have a detailed conversation with your doctor about the potential risks and complications before deciding on treatment.

7. Varicocele Recovery After Surgery and Embolization

Recovery after varicocele surgery can be uncomfortable and may require a few weeks of downtime. In contrast, recovery after embolization is usually quicker and less painful. Many men can return to normal activities within a few days and may experience less pain and discomfort compared to surgical recovery.

8. Varicocele After Surgery vs. After Embolization

After varicocele surgery, the veins that were cut and tied off cannot be used again for blood flow. However, after varicocele embolization, the blocked veins remain in place and can potentially be reopened if necessary in the future.

One potential downside of varicocele embolization is the possibility of recurrence. While recurrence rates are low, they can be higher than with surgical treatment. Again, it’s crucial to discuss this with your doctor when weighing your treatment options.

9. Choosing a Varicocele Doctor

Finding the right varicocele doctor is a crucial part of your treatment journey. Look for a doctor with experience in varicocele treatment, particularly varicocele embolization. Don’t hesitate to ask your potential doctor about their experience, success rates, and their approach to managing potential complications.

Remember, while varicocele embolization is a less invasive treatment option, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Always consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs and condition.


In conclusion, varicocele embolization is a viable treatment option for many men suffering from varicoceles. It’s less invasive than surgery, offers a faster recovery time, and can effectively treat symptoms and improve fertility. Always ensure to have a thorough understanding of the procedure, its potential risks, and benefits before making a decision.

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1. Who should consider varicocele embolization?

Men who have symptomatic varicoceles, particularly those with pain, testicular atrophy, or fertility issues, may benefit from this procedure. As with any treatment, the decision should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider.

2. Can varicocele embolization improve fertility?

Varicocele embolization can improve fertility in some men. Varicoceles are a common cause of decreased sperm quality, and treatment can potentially improve sperm parameters.

3. What are the benefits of varicocele embolization?

Benefits include less pain and faster recovery time compared to surgery. The procedure can also be performed on an outpatient basis, so a hospital stay is not usually required.

4. Are there any risks or side effects associated with varicocele embolization

As with any medical procedure, there are risks. These may include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction to contrast material or damage to blood vessels. Rare complications can include coil migration or varicocele recurrence.

5. How long is the recovery period after varicocele embolization?

Typically, patients can return to normal activities within a few days after the procedure, though strenuous activity should be avoided for a period of time recommended by the doctor