
What To Do While Waiting For ACL Surgery?

What To Do While Waiting For ACL Surgery?
by admin
28th December 2023
7 minutes read

It’s normal to feel anxious if you have ACL surgery planned, but as long as your doctor is an expert in the field, there is no need to worry. In an ACL reconstruction surgery, your doctor will use a tendon graft (a tissue taken from the other part of your knee or a deceased donor) to replace your ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It can be done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. The best thing you can do while you wait for the surgery is to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Preparing in advance for your ACL reconstruction surgery will positively impact your post-surgical recovery. This article contains a preoperative checklist to help you be ready for your ACL surgery.

Things To Do a Few Weeks Before Surgery

The average wait period for ACL surgery is between 3 to 6 weeks following the injury. This is because this much time is required for the full range of movement to return. You may take measures to ensure a successful recovery during this time. The following are some valuable tips recommended by our group of experts. 

  1. Get a pre-operative check-up. 
  • Inform your doctor about your medical history, your current medications, and any history of allergies. You should also inform your surgeon about any anesthetic reactions you may have experienced. 
  • Any dentures (false teeth), plate or caps present should also be informed to your surgeon. This is because when intubated (a tube may be placed in your throat for artificial respiration) during the procedure, having loose tooth/teeth may cause problems. 
  • You may undergo a few diagnostic procedures, such as blood tests, X-rays, and MRIs. Your surgeon will advise these scans to determine the structure and size of your knee joint before surgery.
  • Discuss with your doctor if you should taper or discontinue any drugs. This is because certain medications can interfere with bleeding or wound healing.
  1. Begin your physical therapy
  • Perform workouts that strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees. Having stronger muscles before surgery can help your knee recover faster after the surgery. It may be best to engage in low-impact exercises that do not place too much stress on your knee, such as swimming, cycling, or golfing. Talk to your doctor if you experience pain while doing any of these activities too. 
  • Stretch your knee to regain a complete range of motion. Regaining a complete range of motion after the injury can increase your chances of having the same range after surgery. Otherwise, you might have to face a ‘frozen knee’ after ACL reconstruction.
  • You will likely need crutches for a few weeks after your procedure. To minimize the  pain later and get used to the crutches, you should practice walking on crutches ahead of time. Your doctor can help in getting the crutches adjusted to your height.
  1. Maintain a nutritious diet 
  • Before surgery, take specific dietary supplements such as multivitamins, vitamin C, and zinc. These supplements aid in wound healing after your surgery. 
  • Follow the nutritional plan, if given by your doctor ,and try to follow it to your best level.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake and quit smoking and drinking. Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can impact the surgery and impair post-surgical healing.
  1. Learn about your surgery and treatment plan
  • Discuss your recovery goals with your surgeon and physical therapist. They will design a treatment plan for you based on your activity level before injury and its severity.
  • Discuss with your doctor any aspects of your treatment plan that you don’t understand and need a change or believe will not work for you.
  • Do not hesitate to ask about any doubts about your surgery and recovery.
  1. Quit smoking and avoid alcohol
  • As discussed, your doctor will advise you to quit smoking and avoid alcohol a week before the surgery. 
  • Smoking decreases the functioning of your lungs and heart and predisposes you to develop infections (pneumonia) and blood clots postoperatively. 
  • Drinking alcohol before surgery can lower your immunity and can put you at risk of contracting infections after surgery. Consuming alcohol before surgery also increases the chances of uncontrolled bleeding during the surgery.
  1. Prepare your home
  • Place all stuff  in your home in such a way so you won’t trip on them, and try to leave wide spaces between your furniture for you to walk comfortably.
  • Place a few non-slip mats or slippers in the bathroom to prevent falls. Make your bathroom accessible for your time after surgery.
  • Stock your recovery space with essentials such as pillows, blankets, water bottles, and charging facility for electronic devices and books. 
  • Keep equipment like bed rails, step-up stools, and side tables for support and to access things easily that you may require regularly.

You can also prepare by asking for time off work for weeks and months post-surgery, depending upon the nature of your work.  

Things To Do On The Day of Surgery/One Day Before Surgery 

Once you are all set for the surgery, it’s time to prepare for your hospital stay. Following is the list of things you may need to do a day before your surgery. 

  1. Fasting before your surgery

Your doctor will advise you to fast 8 to 12 hours before your surgery, which includes not eating or drinking anything during these hours. This is done to reduce the risk of vomiting or aspiration of food into the throat.

  1. Keep yourself clean and stress-free

Before visiting the hospital, take a shower and put on clean clothing. This reduces the possibility of bringing infection into the hospital. You can also engage in activities such as reading and watching TV.  Also, dress up yourself comfortably for surgery by wearing loose-fitting clothes of soft fabric.

  1. Talk to your doctor 

Your surgeon will explain you  the details of your surgery along with its risks. Your anesthesiologist will explain to you the type of anesthesia they will administer and the risks involved. Pay great attention while listening to them and ask questions if you don’t understand anything.

  1. Arrange for someone to return you home

Although you may generally return home on the same day of surgery, you will not be able to drive. Arrange for someone who can drive you back home. You may probably want assistance with your daily tasks for at least a week after your surgery.

Besides this, prepare yourself emotionally by practising some relaxation exercises and thinking positively. Drink plenty of fluids, mainly water, and stick to healthy foods. Note that this is not the right time for dieting/shaving or waxing.


ACL surgery can appear challenging, but planning ahead of time can make the procedure run more smoothly. Pay close attention to your surgeon’s instructions and follow them as strictly as possible. Review the whole treatment plan with your doctor and discuss any adjustments you wish to make. Gather information about your surgery and ask your doctor as many questions as possible for your recovery. Consult the best doctors in Bangalore at Medfin to guide you further.


Also Read: Cost of ACL repair surgery in Bangalore

                    What to expect after ACL surgery


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