Total Knee Replacement

What Happens After Total Knee Replacement Surgery? Do I Need Physical Therapy, And If So, For How Long?

What Happens After Total Knee Replacement Surgery? Do I Need Physical Therapy, And If So, For How Long?
by admin
30th August 2023
7 minutes read

Suffering from knee pain can be a draining experience, leaving individuals longing for respite. When the pain becomes unbearable and non-surgical treatments no longer provide relief, total knee replacement surgery often emerges as the ideal solution. However, the journey towards a full recovery doesn’t end at the operating table—it only begins. Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in this journey, helping patients regain strength, restore mobility, and return to their everyday lives. In this blog, we explore what is a total knee replacement surgery and the importance of physical therapy afterward.

What is a Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Total knee replacement surgery, also known as total knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged or diseased knee joint with an artificial implant. It is commonly recommended for individuals with severe knee pain, stiffness, and reduced function due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis.

The surgery involves removing the damaged portions of the knee joint, including the ends of the thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia), as well as any damaged cartilage. These portions are then replaced with metal components that mimic the shape and function of the natural joint. The ends of the metal components are typically covered with a plastic spacer to allow smooth movement between the two surfaces.

After the surgery, patients are typically moved to a recovery area and monitored closely. Physical therapy is an important component of the recovery process and usually begins soon after surgery. Physical therapists assist patients in regaining strength, mobility, and range of motion in the knee joint.

Why Do I Need Physical Therapy After Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Physical therapy, performed under the guidance of a skilled physical therapist, is a crucial part of recovery following total knee replacement surgery. Here’s why:

Regain Strength and Mobility: The primary goal of physical therapy is to help you regain strength in your new knee and restore its range of motion. Knee physical therapy exercises are specifically designed to target the muscles around your new joint, strengthening them and improving their flexibility.

Reduce Swelling and Pain: Physical therapy can help manage swelling and pain after surgery. Certain exercises improve blood circulation in the affected area, promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

Prevent Blood Clots: Physical activity, such as the exercises involved in physical therapy, helps prevent the formation of blood clots, a potential post-surgery complication.

Achieve Optimal Results from Surgery: Physical therapy helps you get the most out of your new knee. By regularly participating in a physical therapy program, you can ensure that your knee functions at its best.

What to Expect from Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy typically begins in the hospital, often as soon as the day after your knee replacement surgery. The initial focus is on simple movements, like bending and straightening your knee, along with gentle strengthening exercises. The physical therapist will also help you learn to walk with assistive devices, such as crutches or a walker.

As you progress, your physical therapist will introduce more challenging exercises. These can include leg lifts, hamstring curls, and low-impact cardio exercises like stationary cycling. Balance exercises are also incorporated to improve your stability and confidence in moving around.

Home exercises form a significant part of the physical therapy program, and your therapist will provide a routine to follow between your in-person sessions. Adhering to this routine is key to speeding up your recovery and maximizing the benefits of your new knee.

How Long Will I Need Physical Therapy?

The duration of physical therapy varies greatly from person to person, depending largely on individual recovery rates, the complexity of the surgery, and the patient’s commitment to their therapy program. Generally, formal physical therapy sessions can last anywhere from 6 weeks to several months.

However, the process doesn’t necessarily stop there. Most patients will need to continue home exercises for several months or even up to a year post-surgery. Physical therapy is an ongoing process, and the more dedication you show, the better your outcome will be.

Physical therapy is a crucial component of recovery after total knee replacement surgery. It plays an instrumental role in restoring strength, improving mobility, and reducing pain and swelling. While it may seem challenging, remember that every step taken is a step closer to a more active and pain-free life. Be patient with your body, celebrate your progress, and know that with consistency and determination, you’ll be able to make the most of your new knee.

Other Tips to Improve Mobility After Total Knee Replacement Surgery

After undergoing total knee replacement surgery, improving mobility and regaining strength and flexibility in the knee joint are important goals for a successful recovery. Here are some tips to help improve mobility after surgery:

Follow the Rehabilitation Plan: Adhere to the rehabilitation plan outlined by your healthcare team. Physical therapy exercises, including range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises, and gait training, are vital for improving mobility. Attend all recommended therapy sessions and diligently perform the prescribed exercises at home.

Take Pain Medication as Prescribed: Pain and discomfort can hinder mobility. Take the prescribed pain medications as directed by your surgeon to manage pain effectively. Controlling pain will allow you to engage more actively in physical therapy and movement.

Use Assistive Devices: Initially, you may require assistive devices such as crutches, walkers, or canes to provide support and stability while walking. Gradually transition to using a walking aid as recommended by your healthcare provider. Ensure that the device is properly fitted and use it correctly to maintain balance and prevent falls.

Practice Proper Walking Technique: Pay attention to your walking technique. Maintain an upright posture, align your body properly, and take smooth, controlled steps. Use your entire foot when walking and roll from heel to toe. Avoid limping or favoring the operated leg.

Gradually Increase Activity Levels: Gradually increase your activity levels as advised by your healthcare team. Begin with short walks and gradually progress to longer distances. Follow the guidelines provided for weight-bearing and activity restrictions during the initial stages of recovery.

Use Ice and Heat Therapy: Applying ice packs to the knee can help reduce swelling and discomfort, especially after physical therapy sessions. Heat therapy, such as warm towels or heating pads, can be soothing and help relax the muscles around the knee joint.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight puts additional stress on the knee joint. Follow a healthy, balanced diet and engage in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight. This will help reduce strain on the knee joint and promote better mobility.

Keep the Surgical Incision Clean and Dry: Proper wound care is essential to prevent infection. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding dressing changes, incision care, and keeping the surgical site clean and dry. Report any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge, to your healthcare provider promptly.

Be Patient and Persistent: Recovery after knee replacement surgery takes time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. Consistency and persistence in following your rehabilitation plan will gradually improve your mobility and overall function.

Communicate with Your Healthcare Team: Maintain open communication with your healthcare team throughout the recovery process. Discuss any concerns or difficulties you may be facing with them. They can provide guidance, adjust your rehabilitation plan if needed, and offer support and encouragement.

Remember, every individual’s recovery process is unique. It is important to follow the guidance and recommendations provided by your surgeon and rehabilitation team. Be dedicated to your recovery, stay positive, and focus on gradually improving mobility and regaining your independence.

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