
Preventing Shoulder Injuries: Exercises and Lifestyle Tips for Better Shoulder Health

Preventing Shoulder Injuries: Exercises and Lifestyle Tips for Better Shoulder Health
by admin
14th December 2023
7 minutes read

The shoulder is one of the most moved body parts that moves almost every time you move. It is used for a lot of day-to-day activities like picking, pulling, pushing, throwing, etc., so maintaining good shoulder health is vital for all these activities. But, what you need to also understand here is that due to its excessive use, there are high chances for it to get hurt. Through This article let us understand the best ways to maintain good shoulder health and ways to prevent shoulder injuries.

Understanding Shoulder Injuries

The most common shoulder injuries are due to repetitive movements of the shoulder and also extension its beyond its range of motion.

The other common factors for shoulder injuries include:

Age: A lot of wear and tear associated with one’s age damages shoulder movement and health.

Frozen shoulder: The connective tissue capsule that holds the shoulder joint in place becomes thick restricting the shoulder movement.

Bursitis: There is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion around the shoulder joint. The inflammation of this sac causes Bursitis.

Rotator Cuff Damage: Rotator cuffs are group of muscles that keep the shoulder joint in position. Any damage to these muscles would result in malfunction and pain of the shoulder.

Dislocation: The shoulder bone usually fits into the shoulder joint socket and sometimes may be dislocated due to injuries leading to a lot of pain.

Fractures: Physical injuries and accidents might lead to fractures.

Osteoarthritis: wear down of the cartilage causes osteoarthritis.

Exercises and Lifestyle Tips for Better Shoulder Health 

One important thing to understand is that not all shoulder problems need medical attention and surgeries. But it is very much possible for us to prevent injuring our shoulder. If you experience pain after any repetitive activity, pay attention to it and do not strain it further. Listening to your body is very important. If the pain stays for a long period then, visit your doctor.

Keeping yourself in good shape: It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to stay in good physical shape. This can be achieved by maintaining a good diet and active lifestyle.

Good posture: Maintaining good posture while sitting or doing any activity is important. We should avoid slouching of the back during any activities.

Good Rest: It is important to listen to your body and take rest after any strenuous activity.

Shoulder exercises: There are a lot of yoga poses and stretches that will help relieve any stress in your shoulder and maintain good shoulder health. Muscles around the shoulder often tend to shrink but these need to be relaxed by stretching them. You can do so by static stretches that last for upto 30 seconds. The more you flex your muscle fibres the better will be your flexibility. Remember not to over stretch and these stretches need to be pain free.

Let us look at few stretches that can be easily done at home without much supervision.

  • Across the shoulder stretch: Bring your right hand against your chest and use the other hand to support and press it against the chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side as well. Do it for 3-5 times on both the sides.
  • Wall Climb: Stand straight against the wall and extend your arms with soft elbows and walk your fingers on the wall until you feel a pull on your shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on both sides for 2-3 times.
  • Neck release: This exercise helps relive tension in neck and shoulder muscles. Lower your chin towards your chest and slowly roll your head from left side to right and hold for few seconds and repeat on other side. Repeat this for 3-5 times on both sides.
  • Seated/Standing twist: Sit or stand comfortably, extend your right hand forward and twist the upper body toward left side and extend the left hand backwards. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on both sides for 2-3 times.
  • Shoulder circles: stand in upright position, extend your arm sideways and make small circles in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. Make 10 circles and repeat the same on both sides.
  • Chest and shoulder stretch: Stand sideways alongside a wall and place your palm against the wall. Keep the shoulders rolled back and down and slowly turn your body in opposite direction. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat both sides.
  • Child’s Pose: Start in the downward dog position and slowly sit back on your hips and extend your arms forward. Hold this position for some time. This pose aids in relieving stress and tension in the upper back, spine, and shoulders.

Know What to Avoid

  • Do not over work or over exercise
  • Avoid hunching your back while sitting or standing.
  • Watch yourself at work and make sure you follow all safe rules when lifting weights.
  • Do not strain your shoulder to reach out for something that is above your head.

Know When to Visit a Doctor:

There are some home remedies for shoulder pain that can help ease out the pain.

  • You can apply an ice pack over the pain area. You can also use natural pain reliving agents like turmeric and cloves.
  • Menthol rubs, essential oil rubs and arnica cream can also helo ease the pain.
  • Some OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen can be taken to reduce pain.

But, If you have persistent pain for more than two weeks in both your shoulders that doesn’t respond to any home treatments, then you should visit a doctor for shoulder arthoscopy in Bangalore. The doctor might recommend and x-ray, MRI or an ultrasound to understand it better.


In conclusion, to prevent shoulder injuries, it is important to prioritize proper posture and ergonomics, especially during activities that require repetitive shoulder movements or overhead lifting. Strengthening the shoulder muscles through specific exercises and maintaining a balanced workout routine which includes cardiovascular exercises and flexibility training can also help reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, taking breaks during prolonged periods of shoulder-intensive activities and using appropriate protective equipment, such as shoulder pads or braces, can further prevent injuries. It is vital to listen to the body’s signals of pain or discomfort and seek medical attention if necessary. By being proactive and paying attention to shoulder health, individuals can greatly reduce the chances of shoulder injuries and maintain overall well-being.


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  1. Can shoulder injuries be prevented in contact sports?

Protective gear, proper training techniques, and conditioning can help reduce the risk of shoulder injuries in contact sports.

  1. When to seek medical attention for shoulder pain?

If you experience persistent or severe shoulder pain, limited range of motion, or if the pain is affecting your daily activities, it’s necessary to consult a healthcare professional.

  1. Are there lifestyle changes that can help prevent shoulder injuries?

Yes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding activities that strain the shoulders can contribute to injury prevention.