
How to Sleep After PCL Surgery?

How to Sleep After PCL Surgery?
by admin
28th December 2023
5 minutes read

Recovery and rehabilitation are two fundamental aspects after a PCL reconstruction which help heal and restore the knee stability and function. Effective after-care post-surgery is important and largely depends on the patient. One such aspect is the sleeping posture after PCL reconstruction. Knowing what sleeping position you must follow after a PCL surgery is crucial for an improved quality of life.

Let us explore the sleeping tips after PCL surgery for faster recovery. 

What is PCL Reconstruction Surgery?

PCL reconstruction surgery repairs a severely torn (grade III or IV) or damaged posterior cruciate ligament. It involves the removal of the torn ligament and replacing it with a new graft tendon. This is either taken from the tissues of your own body (autograft) or the tissues of a deceased donor (allograft). This restores the knee stability, flexibility, functionality, and range of motion. After the surgery, you will be relieved of knee pain, swelling, and stiffness, which was earlier instrumental in limiting your daily activities.

How Do You Sleep After PCL Surgery?

Sleep is good for us, especially after a tiring event like surgery. Good sleep helps our body repair itself faster, improves mental well-being, and boosts our immune system. Pain, swelling, knee stiffness, and medications make sleeping more difficult after a PCL surgery. However, we can improve our sleep quality by following certain tips to make our life easier.

  1. Equipment used for better sleep

There are a few pieces of equipment that can come in handy and help you get in and out of your bed comfortably.

  1. Step stool with handle- these are used if you have a high bed.
  1. Bed rail- These can prevent you from falling off your bed while sleeping. You can also hold on to it, getting in and out of a low-height bed.
  1. Side tables- You can place side tables close to your bed to access things easily that you may regularly require, like your phone, medicines, books, night lamp, etc. This prevents unnecessary movement of your operated leg.
  2. The best position to sleep after the surgery
    1. Sleeping on your back
      1. Sleeping on your back after surgery will easily allow you to elevate your operated leg or knee as and when required. 
      2. This position is beneficial since it does not exert unwanted pressure on your operated knee.
      3. To lie on the bed, first sit comfortably, slowly lift your leg up, and slightly rotate your body to lie down.
      4. Place a thin pillow under your head to support your neck and shoulders while sleeping.
      5. Straighten your operated leg as much as possible. Refrain from over-stretching it.
      6. Place a pillow along the length of your operated leg under your calf. The    top edge of the pillow should be just at the bottom of the knee.
  1. Elevating your leg
    1. If you need to elevate your leg, place extra pillows below your calf. This helps to reduce the swelling. 
    2. Elevate only a little above your heart level, since over elevating the leg will cause more discomfort and pain.
    3. Elevate for short periods during the day. Do not elevate overnight while you are sleeping as it will cause pain and discomfort.
    4. You may also use wedge shaped foam blocks for elevating your operated leg.
  1. Sleeping on your side
    1. Place a thick pillow under your head for proper neck positioning.
    2. Sit on the bed, lift your operated leg and place it on your bed.
    3. Slightly rotate your side so that your operated knee is closest to your bed.
    4. Do not place your non-operated knee directly over your operated knee.
    5. Always place a pillow between both your knees.
    6. Place your non operated leg slightly forward or behind to avoid all the load over your operated knee.
    7. You may also use an extra pillow to support yourself from rolling onto your stomach at night.
  1. Home remedies to help you sleep better
    1. Applying ice packs over your operated knee can help to reduce swelling. Swelling may make your knee heavy which causes discomfort and disturbed sleep.
    2. Avoid having any caffeine drinks just before you go to bed. This alters the quality of your sleep.
    3. Avoid drinking alcohol before you go to bed because this may alter your sleep cycle.
  2. Pain medications
    1. Pain after a PCL surgery is the most disturbing factor which compromises the quality of your sleep.
    2. You may take pain medications prescribed by your surgeon right before going to bed for a peaceful sleep.
  3. Sleeping with a knee brace 
    1. Most surgeons recommend a knee brace or knee immobilizer after PCL surgery. These protect your knee from overstretching or re-injury after surgery. 
    2. It is important to wear them especially at night time since we are not aware of the knee movements when we are asleep. 
    3. Sleeping on your back is recommended with a knee brace. 
    4. You can use an extra pillow to elevate your leg slightly.
    5. Commercially available body pillows provide great comfort while sleeping with an operated knee.


During the early phases of your recovery, it is important to find a comfortable position while sleeping that suits you best, as it helps you relax and relieves any discomfort. Not stressing your leg too much during rest is the key to recovery. 

We at Medfin are happy to help you by guiding you through your recovery process with less stress and more positive outcomes.


Also Read: The Best Orthopaedic Surgeons in Bangalore

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                   What to expect after PCL surgery

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