Eye Care

What to Expect After SMILE Surgery?

What to Expect After SMILE Surgery?
by admin
27th December 2023
6 minutes read

Having a clear vision is every person’s dream, which can sometimes be affected due to refractive errors. These errors are responsible for images not being focused properly onto your retina (the light-sensitive layer at the back of your eye). These include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (shortsightedness), astigmatism (abnormality is the curvature of your cornea), and presbyopia (a condition where your eyes’ ability to focus on nearby objects is lost). Altered vision affects your daily routine activities like reading, driving, etc., and the inability to recognize people’s faces from a distance. 

Eyeglasses and contact lenses help in improving your vision to see clearly. However, these have drawbacks that affect your appearance and self-confidence. Wearing contact lenses is considered boring and monotonous, posing an increased risk of allergic reactions and infections. There are chances of losing or damaging contact lenses. Eyeglasses and contact lenses must be repeatedly changed according to your prescription, which adds to your expenses. To overcome these problems, there is a permanent solution through advanced laser technology which effectively improves your vision.

The laser-assisted eye surgeries are the latest procedures that permanently correct your refractive errors, thereby reducing your dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. These are minimally invasive (cause less trauma) procedures with quick healing and faster recovery. The latest generation of laser refractive surgery is known as SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction), which is very popular owing to its quick recovery and fewer postoperative complications. 

Having realistic expectations about any surgical procedure is crucial since this will help you enjoy a positive surgical experience with the desired outcome. Let us know what you can expect after SMILE eye surgery pertaining to the results, recovery, and possible postoperative risks and complications.

What is SMILE Eye Surgery?

SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is a refractive eye surgery that permanently corrects your vision and reduces your dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. It uses an advanced laser technology that aims to reshape your cornea (the transparent part of your eye that allows light to enter). Refractive errors usually occur due to an abnormal shape of the cornea that does not focus images clearly onto the retina. 

A femtosecond laser is programmed according to your eye measurements and focused on your cornea. This laser creates a disc-shaped piece within your cornea that is known as a lenticule. Once the lenticule is formed it is extracted (removed) through a keyhole incision (cut) less than 4 mm wide. This reshapes the structure of the cornea and allows the light to bend (refract) so that it focuses the images clearly. SMILE provides a clear vision without the need of optical aids (eyeglasses and contact lenses). 

Learn more about what to expect after SMILE eye surgery. 

What to Expect After SMILE Eye surgery?

SMILE eye surgery is one of the latest and most popular refractive procedures that aim to provide quick results, faster healing and recovery, and minimal postoperative complications. It is a safe and painless procedure that takes less than 30 minutes. 

  • Immediately after SMILE eye surgery

      • You are likely to experience mild pain, discomfort, itching, redness, burning and pricking sensation once the anesthesia wears away.
      • You may have a blurred vision for the initial 24 to 48 hours. 
      • Arrange someone to drive you back home, since you are not allowed to drive due to blurred vision. 
      • Your eyes will be covered with an eye shield that has to be worn at night to protect your eyes from accidental trauma.
      • Spend the rest of your day resting by taking long naps, since the initial period post surgery is crucial for healing. 
      • Avoid activities like reading, watching TV, and using your phone the whole day.
      • Begin the eye drops prescribed to you by your eye surgeon. These include:
        • Steroids: reduce the inflammation and swelling
        • Antibiotics: prevent infections
        • Lubricating: reduces  excess dryness of your eyes
        • Anti-inflammatory: controls the inflammation
      • You are most likely to see clearly from the next day of the surgery. However, it could still take a few weeks for the vision to stabilize completely. 
      • You may experience periods of vision fluctuations, which is normal, as you recover.
  • Days after SMILE surgery

      • Plan your activities slowly over the next few days as your cornea heals. 
      • You will have your post-op follow-up appointment with your eye surgeon the next day. Make sure you inform your surgeon about the side effects experienced.
      • Avoid activities like swimming or using hot tubs for at least 4 weeks after the procedure. This may cause irritation and damage to the cornea.
      • Cooking should be prohibited for the first 7 days post surgery, to keep your eyes away from all the heat and steam in the kitchen while cooking.
      • Avoid strenuous exercises and activities for at least 1 week post surgery. This may put unnecessary strain on your eyes. 
      • SMILE surgery has minimal complications that are temporary and easily managed. They include :
        • Increased sensitivity to lights, especially at night.
        • Vision fluctuations since your cornea take time to heal and adjust to the refractive correction.
        • Halos or glares around the lights makes driving at night difficult and risky.
        • Increased dryness of the eye, that increases itching and causes redness. 
      • SMILE has benefits over other laser eye procedures, because there are less flap related complications. This is due to the fact that there is no corneal flap involved in this procedure.
  • Weeks after SMILE surgery

    • The following tips are important for quick recovery:
      • Continue using the medicines and eye drops as prescribed by your surgeon.
      • Refrain from using eye makeup for at least 2 to 4 weeks, since the products are harmful that may cause irritation. The makeup brushes also harbor microorganisms that may get into the eyes and cause infections.
      • Avoid exposing yourself to areas with smoke, dust and dirt. These contaminants can damage your eyes and delay the healing process.
      • Avoid excessive sun exposure as this could cause corneal scarring. Wear protective, tinted sunglasses when outdoors.
    • Your vision is likely to stabilize completely within 2 to 3 months.


SMILE eye surgery is one of the safest laser-assisted refractive procedures. This is popular since it is minimally invasive with fewer postoperative complications. However, it is important to have realistic expectations from the procedure to have a smooth and comfortable surgical experience. Regular checkups, following the post-op instructions carefully and using the prescribed eye drops ensure optimal results with a fast and smooth recovery. 

Contact our team of expert eye surgeons at Medfin for further queries. Our surgeons are dedicated towards providing you with a comprehensive treatment plan for a comfortable surgical experience.


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