Eye Care

What Is The Age For LASIK Eye Surgery?

What Is The Age For LASIK Eye Surgery?
by admin
27th December 2023
6 minutes read

Conventional LASIK (Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis) is the most popular and commonly performed procedure to correct refractive errors that include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (abnormal curvature of the cornea). These errors occur when your cornea (a transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil) is not able to bend (refract) light onto the retina (a light-sensitive layer of nerve tissues at the back of your eye), which results in a blurred vision. Vision problems affect your quality of life and increase your dependency on optical aids like glasses and contact lenses. However, these visual aids have a few shortcomings and do not provide a permanent solution to refractive errors. 

Conventional LASIK surgery significantly reduces your dependency on glasses and contact lenses by effectively reshaping the cornea using a special type of cutting laser. They provide a permanent solution and significantly improve your quality of life.

Your eligibility for the surgery is determined by a series of eye tests that evaluate your overall eye health and check the refractive error present. Age also greatly influences your eligibility for LASIK since it determines the stability of your prescription, which does not change after a certain age. Let us explore the defined age criteria for Conventional LASIK eye surgery.

What is Conventional LASIK Eye Surgery?

Conventional LASIK eye surgery is a procedure that effectively improves your vision by correcting refractive errors and reduces your dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The surgery involves creating a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome (a blade-like device) and reshaping the cornea using an excimer laser. This helps to focus the images clearly onto your retina, providing permanent vision correction. Conventional LASIK offers quick results, faster recovery that ranges between 4 to 6 weeks, and minimal post-op complications.

What is the Age For LASIK Eye Surgery?

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved age for Conventional LASIK eye surgery is over 18 years of age. The main criteria for LASIK surgery are your prescription stability. Hence most surgeons would recommend waiting until your mid-20s to undergo Conventional LASIK surgery. This is because your prescription does not change after 18 years of age. It is advisable to have a stable prescription for at least 1 year before undergoing a Conventional LASIK procedure.

However,  there is no LASIK age limit as long as you are in good general and ocular health. Even an older individual can undergo LASIK surgery, but it is recommended at an earlier age since you can enjoy the results for a longer duration. 

Read on to know the pros and cons of having LASIK at different age timelines.

  • LASIK at 18 to 24 years

      • TYou are eligible to undergo LASIK at 18 years and above, but surgeons usually wait until you are 25. This is because, until the age of 24, your eyesight will continue to change.
      • Special consideration is given to professional athletes and army and law enforcement candidates to perform LASIK under 25 years of age. 
  • LASIK at 20 to 40 years

      • Most surgeons consider this as an ideal age for Conventional LASIK since you would have a stable vision by now. 
      • Prescription stability is the most important criterion for LASIK eligibility.
  • LASIK at 40 to 55 years

      • You can undergo a LASIK surgery during this age if you are a non-smoker and have a good medical history. 
      • Presbyopia (a condition characterized by the inability of your eyes to focus on nearby objects) may set in if you are in your 40s. 
      • A monovision treatment can be performed for problems with near and distant vision. In this technique, your dominant eye is treated to correct distant vision, and your other eye is treated to correct near vision. 
      • Vision changes may occur due to diabetes (high blood sugar levels), or glaucoma (increased ocular pressure), etc. 
  • LASIK at over 60 years

    • There is no upper age limit where LASIK would be contraindicated in senior citizens. 
    • If you are over 60 with good general health, you can undergo LASIK.

Refractive Lens Exchange  (RLE) for Older Adults

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) is an alternative procedure when LASIK is not possible or if you are not at your ideal age. This procedure involves the removal of your eye’s natural lens and replacing it with a synthetic implant. This can effectively minimize and eliminate the need for corrective glasses or contact lenses, thereby improving vision to see nearby and distant objects. RLE is a good option for age-related farsightedness and for mild or moderate nearsightedness.

What Eye Conditions Impact Your LASIK Eligibility?

Apart from age, certain eye conditions and vision problems can affect your candidacy for LASIK. These include the following:

  • Presbyopia- a condition in which your eyes’ lose their ability to see nearby objects clearly.
  • Cataracts- an abnormal clouding of the lens in your eyes that causes blurred vision, which can occur with age.
  • Keratoconus- a condition when your cornea thins and bulges out.
  • Glaucoma- a condition characterized by progressive damage to your optic nerve due to an abnormal increase in the ocular pressure.
  • Corneal disease- a condition that is characterized by normal clouding, scarring, and distortion, which may sometimes eventually lead to permanent blindness.


Age is just a number! There is no general guideline for individual patients. The criteria for LASIK eligibility are often changing with a constant change in laser correction technology. The eligibility to undergo the procedure depends on your eyes’ overall health and visual needs. Do not let age stop you from consulting your eye surgeon to discuss laser vision correction. 

Consult with our team of expert eye surgeons at Medfin to find out if Conventional LASIK is right for you! Our team is dedicated to helping you overcome your visual obstacles and improve your quality of life.


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