Eye Care

What is LASIK SMILE Surgery?

What is LASIK SMILE Surgery?
by admin
27th December 2023
7 minutes read

Are you having problems with your eyesight and tired of those boring eyeglasses or tedious contact lenses? Then, we have a permanent solution for you- Laser eye surgery is the solution to all your problems. These advanced procedures reduce your dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses, thereby improving your quality of life. They permanently correct your refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (abnormal curvature of the cornea), and presbyopia (the condition where your eye loses its ability to focus on nearby objects). Currently, various laser-assisted eye surgeries to correct your vision are safe and are minimally invasive (cause less trauma to the surrounding structures). One such popular procedure is SMILE eye surgery, a new alternative to the already popular LASIK (Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis) procedure.

Read on to explore further about this revolutionary vision correction procedure.

What is SMILE Eye Surgery?

SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is the most advanced laser refractive surgery that permanently corrects your vision. Refractive errors are vision problems that make it hard to see clearly from different distances. These errors occur due to the abnormal shape of your cornea that keeps light from correctly focusing images on the retina (a light-sensitive tissue layer at the back of your eye). 

SMILE surgery is performed using a ‘Femtosecond laser’, which creates a small lenticule (a disc-shaped piece of cornea below the surface of your eye) in your cornea. This is later extracted through a small incision (cut) made using the laser, and the desired refractive change is achieved once this lenticule is extracted that reshapes the cornea.

What are the Advantages of SMILE Surgery?

SMILE refractive surgery is a laser-assisted procedure and gaining immense popularity among today’s youth, which is opted due to the following advantages:

  • Minimally invasive procedure

      • The SMILE procedure causes less damage to the surrounding structures of your eye.
      • The incisions are small ranging between 2 to 3 mm, hence only few corneal nerves are damaged. This effectively maintains the biocompatibility of the cornea.
      • This is a safe and painless refractive surgery, with minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • Good vision stability

      • The vision is restored right from the next day of the surgery, however it may take at least a month for complete vision stabilization.
  • Quick procedure

      • SMILE refractive surgery is an outpatient procedure that does not require any hospitalization.
      • It takes less than 30 minutes for both the eyes, with the laser correction being 30 seconds.
  • Quick recovery

      • Postoperative recovery time is around 2 to 4 weeks, which is less when compared to LASIK.
  • Fewer post-op complications 

    • Flap-related complications are prevented since there is no corneal flap involved.
    • There is reduced inflammation, and discomfort. 
    • The risk of dry eyes is less common, and even if it is present it is for a shorter duration, and easily managed.


How is SMILE Surgery Performed?

SMILE eye surgery is a minimally-invasive and outpatient procedure. Below are the following steps involved in the surgery:

  • Pre-procedure 

      • Your eye surgeon will examine your eyes to check the refractive error and the overall health of your eyes. The tests are conducted 2 to 3 days before the procedure, which include:
        • Vision test: to check the degree of your refractive error and prescription stability.
        • Pachymetry test: to check the corneal thickness
        • Slit lamp examination: to check the overall health of your eyes.
      • Your surgeon will record your medical history to check for medical conditions like diabetes (high blood sugar levels), hypertension (increased blood pressure), blood disorders, etc. Your habits, like smoking or drinking alcohol, will also be recorded to help determine the post-op medications prescribed and precautions to be taken to avoid any complications.
      • You are advised to stop wearing contact lenses at least 2 weeks before the surgery to prevent corneal swelling, which could alter your eye measurements.
      • Consumption of alcohol should be avoided at least 24 hours prior to the procedure since it delays healing.
      • Antibiotic eye drops are advised prophylactically from 3 days prior to the surgery.
  • Procedure 

      • Your eyes will be washed with an antiseptic solution to remove any debris or contaminants, if present.
      • Your eyes are numbed using anesthetic eye drops, also, oral sedatives may be given to reduce your anxiety.
      • Your eye surgeon will program the laser based on the specific eye measurements recorded during the preoperative eye tests.
      • Your eyes are positioned with an eye holder to prevent blinking or any eye movement.
      • A suction ring is used to raise and flatten your cornea for proper exposure of the surgical site.
      • A femtosecond laser is used to create a lenticule (disc-shaped) in your cornea.
      • A small incision of 2 to 3 mm is made in the cornea to extract the lenticule, that effectively reshapes your cornea.
  • Post-procedure

    • You will be kept under observation for an hour until your surgeon allows you to go home. Your vitals like BP (blood pressure) and sugar levels are monitored. 
    • Ask someone to drive you back home since your vision immediately after surgery would be blurred and cloudy. 
    • Your surgeon prescribes the following eye drops:
      • antibiotics: to prevent infections.
      • Lubricating: to effectively reduce the dryness of the eyes, and itching.
      • Steroids: to prevent inflammation and swelling.
      • Anti-inflammatory: to prevent inflammation.
    • You are given post-op instructions that should be followed for quick healing and faster recovery.
    • 24 to 48 hours after surgery: You are likely to experience mild pain, discomfort, blurred vision, burning and pricking sensation, watery eyes, redness, and increased sensitivity to light.
    • It may take 1 to 2 days for you to see clearly.
    • Use an eye shield at night for protecting your eyes from accidental trauma.
    • Recovery may take up to 2 to 4 weeks.
    • Precautions to be taken- 
      • 24 to 48 hours:  
        • Avoid watching TV, reading, and using phone- Excess screen time can strain your eyes.
      • 1 week: 
        • Avoid washing your face, and having a shower- as the soap and chemicals can irritate your eyes. 
        •  Cooking- since the steam and heat would cause eye irritation.
      • 2 to 3 weeks: 
        • Avoid strenous exercises or lifting heavy objetcs- this causes unnecessary strain on your eyes.
        • Avoid eye makeup- the chemicals in the prodcuts may cause infections and allergic reactions.
        • Avoid excess sun exposure (use tinted sunglasses when outside)- as this may cause scarring of the cornea
      • 4 to 6 weeks: 
        • Avoid swimming, and other water-related sports- the water droplets may irritate your eyes. Chlorine present in the pools can lead to eye infections.

What are the Complications of SMILE Surgery?

SMILE eye surgery is a safe and effective procedure. However there could be some possible risks involved in this procedure:

  • You may experience glares from bright lights and halos around the light sources, especially at night.
  • Risk of infection and inflammation with symptoms that include- redness, itching, and swelling around your eyes.
  • Dry eyes are a common side effect post SMILE laser eye surgery.
  • It is normal to have some blurry or cloudy vision immediately after your surgery. This is normal and would resolve after a few days. If it persists beyond 4 to 6 weeks, consult your eye surgeon.


SMILE refractive surgery is a safe and effective procedure that permanently corrects your vision. This laser-assisted technique reduces your dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. A femtosecond laser is used to reshape your cornea and thereby improves your eyes’ ability to focus images clearly on the retina. 

SMILE, an outpatient and minimally invasive procedure, has fewer side effects that can be easily managed. Recovery is quick and ranges between 2 to 4 weeks. 

For further details and consultation, contact our team of expert eye surgeons at Medfin. We are dedicated to providing you with a safe and smooth journey for an improved vision!


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