Eye Care

What is Contoura Vision Surgery?

What is Contoura Vision Surgery?
by admin
28th July 2023
7 minutes read

Wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses can be very inconvenient and can also have a negative impact on your active lifestyle. Eyeglasses are not aesthetically appealing and can reduce your self-confidence. On the other hand, wearing contact lenses every day could become a hassle. It can also lead to infections and allergic reactions due to the mishandling of contact lenses. Changing your eyeglasses and contact lenses frequently due to the change in your prescription power can add up to your expenses. Currently, due to advanced technologies in healthcare, there is a permanent  solution to your problems. LASIK eye surgery could be the solution for you to reduce the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Contoura vision eye surgery, commonly called Topography-guided LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery, is one such sophisticated procedure. It is a more advanced and effective type of LASIK that offers you more benefits. Contoura Vision eliminates the need for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Being the first FDA-approved LASIK treatment, it is trending worldwide.

Read on to know more about this popular technique, to determine if you are eligible for Contoura Vision eye surgery.

What Is Contoura Vision Eye Surgery?

Contoura vision surgery is the latest and most advanced technology that effectively enhances vision. It involves using a specially designed diagnostic tool known as the ‘Topolyser’. This provides highly precise and accurate eye mapping with 22,000 unique elevation points for each eye. Contoura vision eye surgery was  FDA-approved in 2016. This procedure uses laser technology that corrects refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia (difficulty in focussing and seeing near objects) and astigmatism (abnormal corneal curvature) It can also correct other corneal abnormalities and create a customized treatment profile for each eye. Contoura vision surgery is unique since it is designed to treat on your visual axis, resulting in sharpest possible vision.

What are the Advantages of Contoura Vision Eye Surgery?

Contoura vision surgery is one of the safest and most effective eye treatments to correct refractive errors. The following advantages makes this procedure most popular worldwide:

  • Minimally invasive procedure 

      • It is a safe, painless, bloodless, and stitchless procedure.
      • Pain during surgery is easily managed by anesthetic eye drops.
      • There is minimal or no trauma to the surrounding structures.
  • Quick procedure

      • It is an outpatient procedure which takes less than 20 to 30 minutes for both the eyes.
  • Treats other eye conditions

      • This procedure is much beyond vision correction.
      • It also treats corneal abnormalities.
  • Enhanced vision

      • Contoura vision surgery acts on the visual axis, and not on the pupillary axis.
      • This provides the sharpest possible vision.
  • Quick healing and recovery

      • Healing is quick, since it is a minimally invasive technique. 
      • Recovery usually takes 7 to 10 days.
  • Reduced post-op risks

    • Post-op risks are minimal, and easily managed.

Contoura Vision Eye Surgery Procedure 

Contoura vision surgery is an outpatient procedure which takes less than 30 minutes for both the eyes. Below are the steps involved in the surgery:

  • Pre-procedure

      • Your eye surgeon will examine your eyes and conduct a few screening tests 2 to 3 days before your surgery. This includes:
        • Slit lamp examination: checks the overall health of your eyes.
        • Vision test: checks your prescription, and refractive error present.
        • Corneal topography: checks for corneal abnormalities.
        • Pachymetry test: checks the thickness of your cornea
      • Detailed medical (diabetes, etc), social (alcohol use, smoking), medication (blood thinners, steroids, etc.) history is recorded to determine the course of your procedure and healing.
      • Instructions to be followed:
        • Fasting for 6 to 8 hours before surgery
        • Avoiding alcohol for 24 hours before surgery
        • Using antibiotic eye drops 3 days before surgery.
  • Procedure 

      • Your eyes are thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant solution.
      • Your eyes are held in position using an eyelid holder.
      • The cornea is flattened and raised using a suction.
      • Your eyes are numbed using anesthetic eye drops. 
      • You may also be given an oral sedative to reduce your anxiety during the procedure. 
      •  A thin, circular corneal flap is raised using either a mechanized knife (microkeratome), or a special laser (femtosecond laser).
      • The laser reshapes the underlying corneal tissue to eliminate the refractive error. This enables the light to fall directly on the retina.
      • The corneal flap is then repositioned.
  • Post-procedure

    • Immediately after the surgery, your eye surgeon will cover your eyes with eye shields for protection.
    • You will be kept under observation for at least an hour before your surgeon allows you to go home. 
    • You will be prescribed eye drops, and given all the post-op instructions that need to be followed. 
    • Ask someone to help you drive back home.

Recovery After Contoura Vision Eye Surgery

In Contoura vision eye surgery, recovery is quick, usually 7 to 10 days. Below is the recovery timeline:

  • Immediately after surgery

      • You may experience mild pain, redness, burning, and itching.
      • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
      • You will be given a protective eye patch.
      • Resting is important for the first 12 to 24 hours.
  • 24 to 48 hours

      • You are likely to experience blurred vision, and discomfort.
      • You are likely to see clearly the next day.
      • You will be scheduled for your first post-op follow-up appointment.
      • Continue using the following eye drops:
        • Antibiotics: to prevent infections
        • Steroids: to reduce inflammation
        • Anti-inflammatory: to reduce inflammation and swelling
        • Lubricating: to prevent dryness of the eyes
      • Avoid excess sun exposure, wear tinted sunglasses when outdoors.
      • Avoid dirt, dust and other irritants.
  • 1 week post surgery

      • There is no pain, discomfort, burning, or redness.
      • You can resume your routine activities, driving, and cooking.
      • Avoid eye makeup.
  • Avoid washing your face with soap for 1 week.
      • Avoid head baths for 1 week.
      • Avoid strenuous exercises and activities for at least 2 weeks.
  • 2 to 4 weeks

      • You will have your second post-op follow-up appointment.
      • Your vision usually stabilizes by this time.
      • Avoid swimming, and water sports for at least 4 weeks post surgery. 
      • You can resume moderate exercises
  • 1 month post surgery 

    • Your surgeon would discontinue the antibiotic, and steroid eye drops. You are likely to continue others.
    • Your vision completely stabilizes by this time.

What are the Risks Involved?

Contoura vision surgery is a safe procedure yet there are few risks involved. 

  • There is increased risk of infection
  • Dryness of the eye is the most common complication post surgery. 
  • You may sometimes experience inflammation and swelling around the eyes.
  • There could be vision fluctuation post-surgery.
  • Halos, and glares around the lights, especially at night.
  • Flap-related complications like flap dislodgement etc.
  • Corneal ectasia which occurs due to over-removal of the corneal tissues.


Contoura vision eye surgery is the most trending vision correction procedure, owing to its minimally invasive technique and fewer side effects. It significantly reduces your dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. 

If you want to get rid of the glasses and contact lenses and lead a hassle-free life, contact our eye surgeons at Medfin. Our team of highly qualified and skilled surgeons would guide you through your vision correction journey.

Also Check: Contoura Vision Surgery cost in Bangalore

Top Surgeons for Contoura Vision Surgery in Bangalore


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