
How to cure cataracts naturally without surgery?

How to cure cataracts naturally without surgery?
by admin
13th July 2023
7 minutes read

If you have cataracts, it might worry you about blindness or limited experience with beautiful scenery, reading books, or driving around you. This might eventually happen but cataract progress very slowly. Most cataracts are age-related and do not appear until 40 years or later. Medical interventions for cataracts include close monitoring, lifestyle modification, and ultimately surgery to remove the clouded lens. 

There are several unscientific claims that recommend curing cataracts with natural remedies. Well, these claims are blatantly wrong and most of the plausible ones are lifestyle changes that slow the progression of cataracts but do not cure or reverse them. The following articles will help you fathom why there are no natural cures for cataracts. Cataracts are not curable but with appropriate medical intervention, they are treatable. 

What Are Cataracts And Can They Be Cured?

When there is a protein breakdown in the eye, the natural lens in the eye becomes cloudy. This impairs the vision, leading to a condition known as cataracts. This usually happens due to growing age, physical trauma to the eye, or illness. As these protein clumps in the eyes grow bigger, your vision becomes blurry; you might also experience double vision, tainted vision usually yellowish, haziness like you are in a fog. Once the cataract matures, these protein clumps prevent the  light entering your eyes, therefore the image transmitted from the brain will be incomplete. Cataracts can ultimately cause blindness. If one eye develops cataracts, it is very likely to develop in another eye as well. Cataracts generally take years to progress and become serious. Most individuals do not need cataract surgery until they are in their 60s. 

Even though cataract surgery is done to restore your vision, many individuals like to avoid surgery for as long as they can and search for natural remedies to cure cataracts. However, it is of utmost importance for you to discuss your cataract condition with your surgeon. 

Your doctor will not advise surgery if the cataract is just developing in your eye and will ask you to monitor your vision changes, adjust prescription glasses and contact lenses to improve your vision. You will also be advised to include some lifestyle modification to relieve your symptoms but eventually surgery is the only option to restore clear vision. The natural cures for cataracts are none presently, however, some researchers are searching for non-surgical ways. 

Natural Ways To Slow Cataract Progression


All the natural ways that states to cure your cataracts are actually ways to slow the progression of cataracts. Eating healthy food with high mineral content and vitamins is also associated with slow progression of cataracts. Other suggestions include:

  • Staying Hydrated: Toxins that accumulate in your body when you are dehydrated increases the risk of health issues. Drinking enough water detoxifies your body by flushing the toxins out. 
  • Control your blood pressure: There might be a connection between high blood pressure and increased risk of eye conditions like glaucoma, these conditions do not cause cataracts. However, they can complicate the cataract surgery hence managing your blood pressure is important. 
  • Reduce the stress– Stress is the major factor for the exaggeration of any diseases, cataract being no exception. Exercising regularly can reduce your stress which can rescue your weight, and other medical conditons that can predispose your risk to develop  cataracts.
  • Control your diabetes: Diabetes is a contributor to the development of cataract. If you re a diabetic, it is imperative to control your diabetes to prevent cataracts from forming.
  • Lose weight- If you are overweight or obese, it is important to lose weight as increased weight also leads to faster progression of cataracts.
  • Herbs– Herbal medcines, or home remedies like turmeric, bilbery, etc.,  may reduce the risk of cataract development but there is no conclusive evidence to prove its effectiveness in curing cataracts.

In several cases natural cures to stop cataracts lead to making a lifestyle modification that improves your overall health including slowing down cataracts. Nonetheless, if you have suffered any eye traumas or if you are an older adult, you can manage the risks of developing cataracts but cannot stop the progression of this disease. 

Lifestyle Changes To Slow Cataract Progression

Slowing the progression of your cataracts or reducing the risks of developing cataracts can be achieved by making certain lifestyle modifications, like:

  • Quit smoking- Smoking has been shown to accelerate the development of cataracts. Studies have shown that smokers are twice as likely to develop cataracts when compared to non-smokers.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol- Alcohol consumption can cause vision changes in the short term and long run. Short-term effects can include difficulty in peripheral vision leading to tunnel vision. Long-term effects of consuming alcohol can lead to the development of premature cataracts, double vision, blurring of vision, and atrophy of the optic nerve leading to blindness.
  • Avoid drug/substance abuse- Certain drugs like steroids, anti-cancer drugs, psychotropic drugs, statins, etc., can lead to the development of cataracts. It is important to be aware and avoid the consumption of these drugs for a longer duration.
  • Less time spent on computers and mobiles- Glare from the computer screen or mobile can cause vision disturbances and lead to the development of cataracts. It is advisable to take a break every 20 minutes from the screen to prevent the progression of cataracts.
  • Protect your eyes- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV (ultraviolet) rays while stepping outside as UV rays, both UV-A and UV-B, can hamper eyesight and lead to the formation of cataracts.
  • Eat healthily- Have a nutritious diet that includes vitamins and minerals, as nutritional deficiencies can be associated with the development of cataracts.
  • Regular eye check-up- Get your eyes checked regularly (every 6 months) to monitor for cataract development and progression.

The Ultimate Cure For Cataract

When you are diagnosed with cataracts, your surgeon will not advise surgery immediately unless the catartact is mature and there is complete or near complete vision loss. Rather, your doctor will monitor the progression of your cataract and advise glasses, eye drops and some lifestyle changes to slow the progression of cataracts.

Cataract surgery is quick, and simple, having an extremely high success rate. However, the success rate depends mainly on the precautions after cataract surgery for your recovery. 

Cataract surgery removes the natural lens in the eye due to its opacification. The natural lens is then replaced with an artificial one called an intraocular lens (IOL). Nowadays, cataract surgery is done by phacoemulsification, a process where ultrasound waves break up the cataract then those pieces are sucked out by a probe. This procedure helps in faster and more gentle recovery. Nevertheless, cataract surgery complications are required to be managed. 

The takeaway

There are no natural ways to cure your cataracts currently. More research is needed to develop a non-surgical treatment for cataracts. Consult our doctors at Medfin to get access to the latest day-care procedures and best cataract surgeon in bangalore.

Also Check: Cost of Cataract treatment in Bangalore
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