
How Long Does it Take to Recover From Cataract Surgery?

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Cataract Surgery?
by admin
13th July 2023
6 minutes read

Every eye is different, and the time taken to recover from cataract surgery can differ from person to person. A lengthy period of cataract surgery recovery can cause a dent in your busy schedule. Luckily, several people heal fast from cataract surgery. Following some post-op tips and care can minimize your recovery time and speed up healing.  How long is the recovery period after cataract surgery, and what is there to know about recovery from cataract surgery? Keep reading to find out!

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Cataract Surgery?

Every eye is different and the time taken to recover from cataract surgery can differ from person to person. Usually, several individuals feel that their eyesight has stabilized and their eye is back to normal in about 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery. However, in some individuals, cataract surgery recovery can take up to 3 months. 

Many states that clear vision is felt as quickly as several hours after the cataract surgery. Nonetheless, as you heal physically, your vision might fluctuate a little bit as the weeks goes by. There can be dryness and irritation in your eye immediately after the cataract surgery. However, this improves after a few weeks post-operation, though it can persist even longer. 

Depending on your job, you should return ASAP (As Soon As Possible), within the next day or two. This is only for individuals with sedentary or administrative work roles. If you work that has exposure to dirt, dust, debris, or which demands physical risk to your eye, you should stay away for at least a couple of weeks. 

Certain risks can increase your chances of post-op complications from cataract surgery that can result in longer recovery time. Some complications might require further medical treatment to restore your vision. Old age and previous eye disease can increase your risk of having complications after cataract surgery and extends your recovery time. 

How To Minimize Your Cataract Surgery Recovery Time?

You can practice various steps to optimize your healing after cataract surgery and decrease the risk of complications during the post-op period. Following are some of the general guidelines to follow your eye surgeon has advised:

Rest as necessary

As with any surgery, your body needs time to recover after the surgery. Your doctor will advise beforehand to have someone drive you home after the procedure. Your doctor will ask you to avoid driving until your vision has been reassessed to ensure driving is safe for you. If possible, try to avoid household chores or any other strenuous activities. This comprises carrying heavy boxes or grocery bags, physical workouts, and even vigorous vacuuming or mopping. 

Take your medications as prescribed

Your eye specialist will give you a prescription for 2 to 3 eye drops, that can be collected from a pharmacy. The eye drops might include an antibiotic, a steroid drop, and a painkiller. You be advised to use these drops several times a day for them to be effective. Try to take the prescribed dosage and come up with an organized way to use them. You can set up an alarm on your phone when your eye drops are due or keep track of them on a chart. 

All these eye drops are important for the healing of your eye after cataract surgery and will also help minimize your recovery time after your cataract surghealing  to finish your full course of the eye drops prescribed by your doctor even if your eye starts feeling better. 

Protect your eye from contamination and trauma

As your eye recovers, it is more vulnerable to injury and infection. Try to avoid any activity that can result in eye trauma such as playing contact sports, coming close to an energetic dog, or going out on a windy day. You should also stay away from dusty, or dirty environments during the recovery phase after your cataract surgery. 

It is important to keep your eye clean but avoid using soaps, detergent, or any cleanser, just use clean water to wash your eyes post-cataract surgery. Your doctor will recommend you not wash your hair for a couple of days so that water or shampoo does not enter your operated eye accidentally. A week after cataract surgery, it is good to avoid visiting spas, beaches, swimming pools, or saunas as these water bodies are common sources of eye infections. 

When To Seek Emergency Help After Cataract Surgery?

Every surgery brings a set of risks and some adverse effects occur that might require emergency medical attention. Call your doctor for an immediate appointment or visit an emergency room if you experience the following post your cataract surgery:

  • Light flashes that are sudden
  • Vision obstruction that feels like a dark curtain in from of your eyes
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Persistent eye pain even after taking pain medication or drops
  • Severe reddened eyes
  • Vision loss

These can be signs of serious post-op complications and needs to be addressed immediately.

What Is The Outlook After Cataract Surgery?

Most of the individuals who undergo cataract surgery see better after their surgery. Cataract surgery is a safe and effective procedure. The recovery time is fairly short and you can participate in your day-to-day activities soon. Your surgeon will let you know specific instructions according to your situation. 

Follow your surgeon’s instructions to fasten your recovery and decrease the risk of any post-op complications.


The rewards of cataract surgery are higher than the risks associated with it. Avoiding the slightest chance of a problem by carefully selecting a best cataract surgeon in bangalore , following post-op instructions, and reporting any symptoms of a potential complication can help you get the best possible outcomes. 

Also Check: Cost of Cataract treatment in Bangalore
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