General Surgeries

What to Expect After A Lipoma Surgery?

What to Expect After A Lipoma Surgery?
by admin
31st July 2023
6 minutes read

Lipomas are small, round or oval-shaped lumps or nodules found anywhere in your body, with the common sites being the forehead, neck, arms, back, thighs, buttocks, and legs. They rarely spread to other surrounding structures unless they rapidly enlarge in size. Lipomas are usually slow growing and painless and develop between your skin and the muscle layer. These lumps predominantly consist of fatty tissue, but some lipomas may also contain blood vessels and other tissues. 

What causes lipoma is unknown, but genetics plays an important role in their formation since it runs in the family (inherited). You are likely to have a 2 to 3% risk of developing a lipoma if someone in your family has one. A huge-intensity trauma or accident that causes a significant impact could also lead to lipoma formation.

Most often, lipomas do not require any treatment since these are benign (non-cancerous) lumps that are not dangerous or life-threatening. But removing them is necessary when they suddenly enlarge in size, are unaesthetic (unpleasant to look at), get infected, or cause pain due to pressing against a nerve or blood vessel running through it. The best treatment for lipoma removal is surgical excision which reduces the risk of recurrence significantly. Recovery after lipoma removal determines how quickly and well the wound heals by following proper post-op instructions and aftercare. Having realistic expectations before any surgical procedure is important for a smooth recovery and a desired outcome. .

What is the Surgical Excision of Lipoma?

Surgical excision (removal) of lipoma is the most widely used treatment, with good post-op results and minimal complications. The risk of recurrence is reduced significantly. It is an outpatient procedure that is performed under local anesthesia, wherein small incisions (cuts) of 3 to 4 mm are made. A surgical instrument is inserted into the cuts to free the lipoma from the surrounding tissues. The wound is sutured and covered with a waterproof dressing for proper healing. 

What to Expect After Lipoma Surgery?

Large, painful lipomas are usually removed through surgical excision under local anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization; recovery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. 

Recovery depends on:

  • Your age
  • The size and location of the lipoma
  • The content of the lipoma
  • The surgical technique used for the removal
  • The presence of any debilitating diseases like diabetes (high blood sugar levels) may delay wound healing.
  • Using certain medications that may affect the recovery process, like blood thinners, antihistamines, etc.. 

Here is what you can expect after your lipoma surgery:

Immediately after the surgery

      • You are likely to experience mild pain and discomfort once your local anesthesia wears off.
      • You will have a waterproof dressing over the surgical site and your surgeon will give you all the post-op and wound care instructions. 
      • You will be kept under observation for at least an hour before you are allowed to go home. 
      • You may ask someone to drive you home since you cannot drive for at least 7 to 10 days. The need for sudden stops in an emergency is not advisable for the initial few days post-surgery.
      • Your surgeon will prescribe pain relief medications to help you manage postoperative pain and discomfort.
      • Resting on the day of surgery is important to help your body heal. This in turn helps in boosting your immune system.
  • Next day post surgery

      • Taking long naps is very important for healing and faster recovery.
      • Avoid washing your face for at least 2 weeks post-surgery to prevent wound infection, especially after the lipoma removal of the forehead.
      • You may feel mild pain and discomfort for a few days which can be easily managed by pain relief medications.
      • Avoid having a bath for at least 1 week to prevent the wound infection. You may opt for a sponge bath instead.
  • 1 week after surgery

      • You are likely to be called for suture removal 7 to 10 days post-surgery and to check the wound for any signs of infection. However, you will still have pressure dressing for at least 2  weeks to minimize the risk of bruising.
      • Wound care is essential for faster healing where you need to change your waterproof pressure dressing every 2 to 3 days post-surgery.
      • You can have a bath 1-week post-surgery, however, avoid soaking in hot tubs for at least 4 weeks. Dry your wound thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection.
      • You may still experience mild discomfort which is normal and managed by pain medications.
      • There are no limitations on resuming your mild routine activities.
      • Avoid strenuous exercises or activities for at least 2 weeks to prevent wound separation.
  • 2 weeks after surgery

      • Once the wound is healed 2 weeks post-surgery, you are left with a scar at the surgical site. The scar should be massaged daily with a moisturizer, to prevent dryness.
      • Apply ice packs on your incision for 15 to 20 minutes daily to reduce further swelling and bruising.
  • 1 month after surgery

    • You are likely to recover within 2 to 3 weeks with complete wound healing.
    • You can resume moderate exercises initially and then begin vigorous activities and gym.
    • You can resume swimming after 4 weeks post-surgery.

Contact Your Surgeon if:

  • Blood soaks through your dressing.
  • Your sutures tear apart.
  • You experience fever and chills.
  • The wound is infected with signs like redness, swelling, and drainage of pus.
  • Your skin is itchy, or bumpy or you have a rash.
  • You experience nausea and vomiting.


Lipomas are benign conditions that are harmless unless they cause severe pain and discomfort. Surgical excision is the most preferred choice for lipoma removal due to the reduced risk of recurrence and postoperative complications. Having complete information about your surgical procedure and realistic expectations is crucial for a smooth surgical journey with fruitful results. Being well-prepared before the surgery will help ease your anxiety.

Recovery after lipoma surgery usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. Following your surgeon’s instructions and taking the necessary precautions is important for faster healing and quick recovery.

Our team of well-trained and qualified surgeons, at Medfin, would be happy to help make your surgical journey safe and smooth.


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