Varicose Veins

VenaSeal for Varicose Veins: What to Expect During the Recovery Process.

VenaSeal for Varicose Veins: What to Expect During the Recovery Process.
by admin
23rd January 2024
6 minutes read



Varicose veins, with their unsightly appearance and accompanying discomfort, are a common vascular condition affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Fortunately, modern medical advancements have introduced minimally invasive treatments, one of which is the VenaSeal Closure Procedure. Here, we’ll explore the critical aspects of recovery after undergoing VenaSeal treatment for varicose veins. Understanding what to expect during recovery can help individuals make informed decisions and also prepare for a smoother healing journey.

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure: An Overview

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure is a revolutionary treatment for varicose veins that has gained popularity for its minimally invasive approach and shorter recovery period when compared to traditional surgical methods. Take a look at this brief overview of how the procedure works:

  • Pre-procedure Assessment: Before undergoing the VenaSeal Closure Procedure, patients typically have a consultation with a vascular specialist who evaluates their condition and discusses the treatment plan.
  • Local Anesthesia: On the day of the procedure, local anesthesia is administered for numbing the area around the insertion site, ensuring patient comfort during the treatment.
  • Catheter Insertion: Under ultrasound guidance, a small catheter is inserted into the affected vein through a tiny incision, typically located near the knee.
  • Adhesive Delivery: The VenaSeal adhesive, often referred to as “VenaSeal glue,” is now injected into the vein through the tube/catheter. Ultrasound is used to monitor the adhesive’s distribution and ensure precise placement.
  • Vein Sealing: As the adhesive is introduced, it seals the vein shut, thereby preventing blood from flowing through it.
  • Post-procedure Care: After the adhesive is applied, the catheter is removed, and a simple bandage is applied to the incision site.

Now, let’s explore what patients can expect during the recovery process after undergoing the VenaSeal Closure Procedure.

Recovery After VenaSeal Treatment: What to Expect

The recovery period following VenaSeal treatment is typically shorter and less restrictive than that of traditional surgical methods. However, understanding what to expect during the recovery process is crucial for smooth, successful healing journey. Here are the key aspects of recovery after VenaSeal treatment:

Immediate Post-Procedure Period

  • Minimal Discomfort: Patients may experience mild discomfort or a sensation of tightness in the treated leg immediately after the procedure. This discomfort is generally well-tolerated and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary.
  • Bruising and Swelling: Some patients may notice mild bruising and swelling around the treated area. These side effects are generally temporary and even resolve within a few days.
  • Walking and Mobility: It is encouraged to engage in light walking and leg movement shortly after the procedure to promote blood circulation and also minimize the risk of blood clots. Patients are typically able to walk immediately after the treatment.

Compression Stockings

  • Prescription of Compression Stockings: Patients are often prescribed compression stockings, which are specially designed to apply pressure to the legs and help with blood circulation. These stockings should be worn as directed by the vascular specialist.
  • Compression stockings: They can help reduce post-procedure swelling, alleviate discomfort, and improve overall healing. Patients may need to wear them continuously for a few days or weeks, depending on their individual case.

Restrictions and Activities

  • Return to Normal Activities: Most patients are able to return to their normal daily activities, including work and light exercise, within a day or two after the procedure. The minimally invasive nature of VenaSeal allows for a quicker recovery compared to traditional surgery.
  • Strenuous Activities: While light activities are encouraged, patients are usually advised to avoid strenuous exercises, heavy lifting, and prolonged standing for a specified period after the procedure. The exact duration of these restrictions will be discussed with the vascular specialist.

Follow-Up Appointments

  • Post-procedure Monitoring: Patients typically have follow-up appointments with their vascular specialist to monitor the healing process, assess the treatment’s effectiveness, and address any questions or concerns.
  • Ultrasound Imaging: Sometimes, ultrasound imaging may be used during follow-up appointments to evaluate the closure of the treated vein and ensure proper blood flow redirection.

Long-Term Results

  • Gradual Improvement: While some patients experience immediate relief from symptoms like pain and swelling, the full cosmetic and symptomatic benefits of VenaSeal may take several weeks to months to manifest fully.
  • Patience and Commitment: Achieving long-term success with VenaSeal treatment requires patience and a commitment to following the post-procedure care instructions provided by the vascular specialist.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

  • Allergic Reactions: While exceedingly rare, allergic reactions to the VenaSeal adhesive can occur. Patients should be aware of any signs of an allergic reaction, such as severe itching, rash, or difficulty breathing, and seek immediate medical attention if they experience these symptoms.
  • Infection: The risk of infection is minimal, but patients should monitor the incision site for any infection signs, such as increased redness, pain, swelling, or discharge.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: To support long-term vein health and reduce the risk of varicose vein recurrence, patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes staying active, managing weight, and avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
  • Hydration and Diet: Proper hydration along with a balanced diet rich in fiber can also promote healthy blood circulation and vein function.


The VenaSeal Closure Procedure offers a minimally invasive and effective solution for varicose veins, with a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgical methods. While patients can expect some immediate post-procedure discomfort, bruising, and swelling, these symptoms are generally mild and manageable. The use of compression stockings, following restrictions on strenuous activities, attending follow-up appointments, and practicing patience are key elements of a successful recovery process.

Also Read:

VenaSeal Vs. Traditional Treatments: Making An Informed Decision.
Top Doctors For Varicose Veins Treatment in Bangalore
Cost of Varicose Veins treatment in Bangalore


1. Is the VenaSeal Closure Procedure painful, and will I need to take pain medication during recovery?

The VenaSeal procedure is generally well-tolerated, and most patients experience only mild discomfort. Pain medication is rarely needed during the recovery process.

2. How long should I wear compression stockings after VenaSeal treatment, and are they necessary for every patient?

The duration of compression stocking use varies depending on individual cases, but patients are typically advised to wear them for a specified period, that can range from a few days to several weeks. The recommendation will be discussed with your vascular specialist.

3. Can I resume physical activities like jogging or weightlifting after VenaSeal treatment, and if so, when?

Strenuous activities should be avoided immediately post-procedure. Patients can gradually resume physical activities, but it is essential to follow the specific guidelines provided by the vascular specialist to prevent complications.

4. Are there any dietary restrictions or lifestyle changes I should make after VenaSeal treatment to prevent varicose vein recurrence?

Although there are no specific dietary restrictions, still, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, managing weight, and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing can help reduce the risk of varicose vein recurrence.