Varicose Veins

The Venaseal Closure procedure

The Venaseal Closure procedure
by admin
23rd January 2024
6 minutes read



Varicose veins are a common medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. These swollen, twisted veins, usually found in the legs, not only have a significant impact on a person’s appearance but can also cause discomfort, and pain, and, in severe cases, lead to more serious health complications. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have led to innovative treatment options, one of which is the VenaSeal Closure Procedure. Here we will delve into the details of this revolutionary procedure, exploring its benefits, the process involved, and why it’s become a preferred choice for many patients.

Understanding Varicose Veins

Before we dive into the specifics of the VenaSeal Closure Procedure, let’s briefly understand what varicose veins are and what causes them.

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that usually appear on the legs and are often blue or purple in color. They occur when the valves in your veins become weak/damaged, causing blood to flow backward and then pool in the veins. This pooling of blood causes the bulging and twisting of the veins, resulting in the characteristic appearance of varicose veins.

Although Varicose Veins Treatment is often considered a cosmetic concern, they can lead to various symptoms and complications, such as the following:

  • Pain and discomfort in the affected area.
  • Swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles.
  • Itching and skin changes around the affected veins.
  • Bleeding from the veins due to their proximity to the skin’s surface.
  • Ulcer development in severe cases.

Traditional Treatment Options

Historically, varicose veins were primarily treated using surgical methods, including vein stripping and ligation. These procedures involved making incisions in the leg and removing or tying off the affected vein. While effective, they were invasive, required general anesthesia, and often resulted in extended recovery periods.

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure: A Game-Changer

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure represents a significant advancement in the treatment of varicose veins. Developed as a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical methods, it has gained popularity for several compelling reasons.

How VenaSeal Works

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure relies on a specially formulated medical adhesive, often referred to as “VenaSeal glue,” to treat varicose veins. Here’s how it works:

  • A trained vascular specialist begins by mapping the affected vein using ultrasound.
  • A small catheter is inserted into the vein through a tiny incision.
  • The catheter delivers the VenaSeal adhesive directly into the damaged vein.
  • As the adhesive is introduced, the specialist uses ultrasound to monitor its distribution and ensure precise placement.
  • The adhesive seals the vein shut, thereby preventing blood from flowing through it.
  • Over time, the sealed vein is absorbed by the body. The blood is rerouted through healthy veins.

Benefits of the VenaSeal Closure Procedure

The VenaSeal Closure Procedure offers several distinct advantages over traditional surgical methods and other minimally invasive treatments for varicose veins:

a. Minimally Invasive: Unlike surgical procedures that require large incisions, the VenaSeal Closure Procedure involves only a small incision, minimizing tissue trauma and reducing the risk of infection.

b. Local Anesthesia: Patients undergoing VenaSeal treatment typically receive local anesthesia, thereby eliminating the need for general anesthesia and the associated risks.

c. Shorter Recovery Time: Recovery after the VenaSeal procedure is relatively quick, with most patients able to return to their daily activities within a day or two.

d. Minimal Discomfort: Patients may sometimes experience mild discomfort during the procedure, but it is generally well-tolerated. Post-procedure pain and bruising are minimal compared to surgical alternatives.

e. High Success Rate: Clinical studies have shown that the VenaSeal Closure Procedure has a high success rate in closing off damaged veins and relieving the associated symptoms.

f. Reduced Risk of Complications: The procedure carries a lower risk of complications like nerve injury or infection compared to traditional surgical methods.

g. Improved Quality of Life: Patients often report significant improvement in symptoms, including reduced pain, swelling, and discomfort.

VenaSeal vs. Other Varicose Vein Treatments

To understand why the VenaSeal Closure Procedure stands out among varicose vein treatments, it’s essential to compare it to other common methods:

a. Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT): EVLT uses laser energy to heat and close off the affected vein. While effective, it can be associated with discomfort and a longer recovery period.

b. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): RFA uses radiofrequency energy to seal the vein. Similar to EVLT, it can be less comfortable and may require more recovery time compared to VenaSeal.

c. Traditional Surgery: Vein stripping and ligation are invasive procedures with larger incisions and a more extended recovery period, making them less favorable choices for many patients today.


The VenaSeal Closure Procedure represents a revolutionary approach to treating varicose veins. Its minimally invasive nature, use of medical adhesive, and high success rate have made it a preferred choice for patients seeking relief from the discomfort and unsightly appearance of varicose veins. With its numerous benefits, such as shorter recovery times and reduced risk of complications, the VenaSeal Closure Procedure has changed the landscape of varicose vein treatment, offering a safer and more efficient solution for those affected by this common condition. If you’re struggling with varicose veins, consult with a vascular specialist to see if the VenaSeal Closure Procedure is the right option for you, and take the first step towards healthier, more comfortable legs.

Also Read:

What Does VenaSeal (Vein Glue) Treat?
Top Doctors For Varicose Veins Treatment in Bangalore
Cost of Varicose Veins treatment in Bangalore


1. Is the VenaSeal Closure Procedure suitable for all types of varicose veins?

The VenaSeal procedure is effective for most types of varicose veins, including those that are superficial or located deeper within the leg. However, a vascular specialist will evaluate each case to determine the most appropriate treatment.

2. How long does the VenaSeal Closure Procedure take, and is it performed as an outpatient procedure?

The VenaSeal procedure typically takes about 45-60 minutes per leg and is commonly done on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to return home the same day.

3. Are there any potential side effects/risks associated with VenaSeal treatment?

While rare, potential side effects may include minor discomfort, skin discoloration, or a sensation of warmth along the treated vein. Serious complications, like an allergic reaction to the adhesive, are exceedingly rare.

4. Can varicose veins reoccur after undergoing the VenaSeal Closure Procedure?

While VenaSeal offers a high success rate in treating varicose veins, it is possible for new varicose veins to develop over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with regular follow-up appointments with a vascular specialist can help reduce the risk of recurrence.