Varicose Veins

How to Sleep After Varicose Vein Surgery?

How to Sleep After Varicose Vein Surgery?
by admin
13th September 2023
7 minutes read

Getting a good night’s sleep is a wish every patient desires after surgery, but unfortunately, this wish is not granted to all. A night of sound sleep for a minimum of  7 to 9 hours is essential after a varicose vein surgery as it helps the body to heal faster. At times sleeping throughout the night becomes an uphill task as you try to discover the right position to sleep to ease the discomfort- the result?- You remain tired and irritated throughout the day.

The few days after surgery are the most challenging as the pain and discomfort are at their peak, and sleeping throughout the night becomes difficult. Let’s explore how to sleep soundly and happily at night after varicose vein surgery.

Why is Sleep Important After Varicose Vein Surgery?

Varicose veins are veins that become swelled up, twisted, and enlarged when there is an obstruction to the blood flowing through them. Varicose vein surgery is major surgery, and ample rest and care are required for healing post-surgery. Lack of sleep can prolong your recovery period and put you at risk of developing other ailments. Finding a good sleep rhythm and comfortable position is important as your body heals during sleep. The most important advice from your surgeon will be to rest and sleep well for a few days after surgery. Understanding how to sleep after varicose vein surgery ensures your sleeping position is best with minimal or no pain and discomfort. 

How to Sleep Well After a Varicose Vein Surgery?

A good sleep during recovery comes with several benefits- a stronger immune system, greater energy levels, extra tissue growth and regeneration support, and protection from several other conditions. Some of the tips to attain sound sleep are:

Elevate your legs

  • When you are standing, your legs are at a lower level than your heart, so blood flows downward and pressure gets built up in your veins. After surgery, elevating your legs will take off the pressure on the new veins in the leg and help in proper blood circulation. 
  • Place a couple of extra pillows below your knee joint and elevate the leg slightly above the level of your heart. Make sure your legs are elevated throughout the night. 
  • Do not elevate your leg too much since it may cause discomfort and pain. 
  • You may also use a wedge-shaped foam block to elevate the leg. 
  • Elevating your leg is also important as it reduces the swelling in the leg. 

Discover The Best Sleeping Position

Attaining a comfortable and perfect sleeping position helps you “sleep like a baby”, which is essential for a quick recovery. Sleeping on the back or side can be a comfortable position, but you should not sleep on your stomach as it may pressure the wound and cause it to open.

Sleeping on the back

  • This is the most preferred sleeping position after varicose vein surgery.

  • You can elevate your operated leg to reduce swelling while sleeping on your back.

  • You should keep your operated leg straight as much as possible and not over-stretch it. 

  • You should place a pillow below your knee joint to prevent swelling and for easing the pain. 

  • You can use a thin pillow under your head to support your neck and shoulders.

Sleeping on your side

    • This is the second most preferred sleeping position by patients

    • To sleep on the side:

      • First, sit on the bed

      • Then, lift your operated leg and place it on your bed.

      • Finally, rotate your operated leg slightly on your side to be closest to your bed.

    • Place a thick pillow under your head to support your neck and shoulders.

    • Always place a soft pillow between both legs, and never place your normal leg over your operated leg.

    • Place your normal leg, preferably a little forward or behind, to avoid all the load over the operated knee.

    • Use an extra pillow to support yourself from rolling onto your stomach at night.

Use Ice Packs

  • Apply ice packs around the wound to relieve the pain and swelling.
  • Do not apply ice directly on the leg or wound, as it may cause an ice burn. Instead, take the ice pack, wrap it in a small and clean towel/cloth, and then apply it on the leg.
  • Do not apply homemade ice packs; water will start leaking and wet the bandages, thus increasing the risk of infection. Instead, use commercial ice packs, which are gel based and do not melt. These gel-based ice packs do not wet the bandages and can be molded in any shape. Also, you can re-freeze them again for further use.

Wear Compression Stockings

After your surgery, you will be advised to wear compression stockings for at least  1 to 3 weeks post-surgery, depending on your condition. Wearing compression stockings after varicose surgeries prevents the collapsed veins from opening up. Compression stocking also helps reduce swelling, pain, bruising, and postoperative complications that may develop post-surgery. Your surgeon will advise wearing compression stockings throughout the day except while bathing. Sleeping with compression stockings is recommended only for a night or two after surgery.

Equipment For Better Sleep

There are a few pieces of equipment that can come in handy and help you get in and out of your bed comfortably after your varicose veins surgery/

  1. Step stool with handle- You can use these if you have a high bed as these aid in easily climbing on the bed.

  2. Bed rail- These prevent you from falling off your bed while sleeping. Side tables- You can place side tables close to your bed to access things you regularly require, like your phone, medicines, books, and a night lamp. This prevents unnecessary movement of your operated leg.

Eat an Early And Healthy Dinner

Healthy eating is key to a successful recovery after any surgery. After a varicose vein surgery, you should eat your meals on time, including all the essential nutrients and fiber. This will prevent constipation from troubling your sleep at night. Sleeping after surgery is troublesome and becomes difficult if coupled with constipation. Hence, following a high-fiber and nutritious diet is good for your body and helps you sleep well at night.

Take Your Medications

Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics (for reducing inflammation) and painkillers (for relief from pain) in the initial few days post-surgery. You should only take those medications your doctor prescribes and never self-medicate, as it can lead to other complications. If you are on medications for other ailments, take them at the prescribed time. This will aid in recovery.


During the early phases of your recovery after the varicose vein surgery, finding a comfortable position while sleeping that suits you best is important, as it helps you relax and relieves any discomfort. Not stressing your leg too much during rest is the key to recovery. 

If you experience any signs and symptoms of varicose veins, book an appointment with our expert team of vascular surgeons in bangalore at Medfin, to help you with the varicose veins treatment that best suits you.

We at Medfin are happy to help you by guiding you through your recovery process with less stress and more positive outcomes.


Useful links: Cost of Varicose veins Surgery in Bangalore.


Disclaimer: The content on this site is the copyright of Medfin and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This should not be considered a substitute for medical and surgical expertise. Results from any treatments or surgeries are subjective to an individual patient and the type of procedure/surgery performed. Please seek professional help regarding any medical concerns. Medfin will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.