Varicose Veins

Can Varicose Veins be Cured?

Can Varicose Veins be Cured?
by admin
14th September 2023
6 minutes read

Varicose veins impact people due to visually unappealing lumps, extreme pain, and discomfort. Around 20% of adults may experience varicose veins at some point, with genetic predisposition being the most common cause. However, this can also be seen due to aging, pregnancy, being obese (overweight), and prolonged standing or sitting. Varicose veins are more than a cosmetic concern because, if left untreated, it can lead to severe medical issues, and negatively affect your quality of life. 

So can varicose veins be cured? If yes, what are the treatment options? Read on to explore various treatment options to cure varicose veins.

What are Varicose Veins?

Enlarged, twisted, and swollen bluish-purple veins typically seen in your lower legs are known as varicose veins, which mostly appear around your ankles, thighs, knees, calves and the inner side of your legs. Due to aging and other causes mentioned above, the walls of your veins may thin out and weaken the one-way valves making them narrow which leads to slow blood flow through the affected veins. This causes a backward flow of blood that leads to the pooling of blood inside the veins and an increase in blood pressure. With continual pressure, the vein walls weaken and bulge. This mechanism is known as chronic (long-lasting) venous insufficiency. 

Can Varicose Veins be cured?

Practically varicose veins cannot be cured permanently since the condition causing them (venous insufficiency) causes permanent damage to the valves which control the flow of blood back to the heart and lungs. The damage cannot be reversed since the affected veins become permanently varicosed. They can be surgically removed, but there is an increased risk of recurrence. However, most often this is not the same varicose vein returning, but a new one that has developed. There are various non-surgical and surgical methods to cure varicose veins depending on the severity of the condition and the extent to which the veins are damaged. 

How can Varicose Veins be Cured or Treated?

The treatment option for varicose veins depends on the severity of the condition and the extent of the varicosity. These include non-surgical and surgical treatment options, which are discussed below:


  • Self-care
      • Avoid standing or sitting for long durations to prevent excess pressure on the blood vessels.
      • Lifestyle changes include maintaining a healthy weight and staying active through regular exercise. 
  • Compression stockings
    • Your surgeon will examine your varicose veins so that you get the proper size and the right amount of pressure.
    • These stockings apply steady pressure to help move the blood back to the heart. 
    • They also reduce the swelling in your legs and the risk of getting a blood clot. 



  • Ligation and stripping
      • Two tiny incisions are made, one near your groin at the top of the affected vein and one either at the knee or ankle. 
      • A part of the vein is tied up and sealed.
      • A flexible wire is threaded through the bottom incision and pulled out stripping the vein with it.
  • Endovenous Thermal Ablation
      • This is an alternative procedure to surgical vein stripping and ligating.
      • It uses a catheter (a thin, long tube) and a laser (light beam) to close off the damaged vein. 
  • Radiofrequency Ablation
      • It is an ultrasound-guided procedure that uses thermal energy (heat) that is delivered inside the affected vein and causes the vein to collapse and seal shut.
  • Endoscopic vein surgery
      • Here an endoscope (a medical device that consists of a tiny camera and light source) is inserted through a key-hole-sized incision (cut) to block off a vein.
  • Sclerotherapy
    • This treatment involves injecting chemical solutions into the affected veins through tiny needles.
    • This causes the walls of the veins to stick together to avoid further blood flow through them.
    • This improves blood circulation and reduces swelling.

Can Varicose Veins be Prevented?

Here are the best ways to prevent varicose veins that include:

  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Avoid sitting in a criss-cross position since this puts excess pressure on your veins.
  • When resting try to elevate your legs to improve the blood circulation in your lower legs.
  • When you need to sit for long hours, try to take breaks in between to get up and walk around for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Wear supportive compression stockings that help to equalize the pressure within the veins of your lower legs, and also improve the blood flow.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to reduce unwanted pressure inside your blood vessels. Stay active and exercise regularly.
  • Cut down on excess salt and salty foods to minimize water retention.
  • Consume foods rich in flavonoids, that improve blood circulation and prevent the pooling of blood within your veins. These foods include
    • Onions, spinach, bell peppers, and garlic
    • Citrus fruits, berries, cherries, grapes and apples
  • Avoid wearing extremely tight-fitting clothes since this may cause excess pressure on your veins.
  • Avoid wearing high heels, since flats aid in improved blood circulation when compared to heels.
  • Gently massage your legs to improve blood circulation, however, avoid pressing hard directly on fragile tissues on or around your varicose veins.


Varicose veins are twisted, swollen and enlarged veins typically seen in your lower leg. Genetics is the most common cause along with other causes like aging, pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged standing or sitting. These veins are aesthetically unpleasant and also pose a threat to your overall health if left untreated. When conservative methods fail to provide relief, depending on the extent of your varicose veins and the severity, your surgeon may recommend surgical treatments that best suit you. 

However, it is important to note that varicose veins cannot be cured permanently since the damage caused to the vein walls and valves is permanent and irreversible. 

If you experience enlarged, unappealing veins in your lower legs, contact our team of expert vascular surgeons at Medfin. We offer you a range of minimally invasive procedures to curb the spread of varicose veins with minimal pain and discomfort and quick recovery.


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