Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Do Women Develop Piles During Pregnancy? Learn Everything About Piles During The Time Of Pregnancy

Do Women Develop Piles During Pregnancy? Learn Everything About Piles During The Time Of Pregnancy
by admin
26th September 2023
7 minutes read


Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey for women, but it can also bring various physical changes and challenges. One common concern that some pregnant women experience is the development of piles, also known as haemorrhoids. Piles are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the anal and rectal region, and they can be a source of discomfort and pain for expecting mothers. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore everything you need to know about piles during pregnancy – from causes and symptoms to treatment options and preventive measures.

Understanding Piles During Pregnancy

What are Piles?

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the anal and rectal area. They can be internal, located inside the rectum, or external, positioned under the skin around the anus. Piles can cause discomfort, pain, itching, and bleeding during bowel movements.

Why Do Women Develop Piles During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of significant physical changes, and the growing uterus puts increased pressure on the pelvic area. This pressure can lead to the enlargement of blood vessels in the rectal area, resulting in piles. Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy can contribute to the relaxation of the blood vessel walls, making them more susceptible to swelling and inflammation.

Causes of Piles During Pregnancy

Increased Pressure on the Rectal Area:

As the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby, it puts pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava, the large vein that carries blood from the lower body to the heart. This pressure can slow down blood flow and contribute to the development of piles.

Hormonal Changes:

During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations, particularly the increased levels of progesterone, can cause blood vessel walls to relax. This relaxation, combined with the pressure on the pelvic veins, can lead to the enlargement of blood vessels in the anal and rectal area.

Constipation During Pregnancy:

Constipation is a common issue during pregnancy, primarily due to the effect of hormones on the digestive system and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. Straining during bowel movements can further aggravate the swollen blood vessels and lead to piles.

Symptoms of Piles During Pregnancy

Itching and Discomfort:

Piles can cause itching and discomfort in the anal and rectal area. Pregnant women may experience a sensation of fullness or pressure around the anus.

Pain and Tenderness:

Internal piles may not be painful, but external piles can cause pain and tenderness, especially when sitting or during bowel movements. In some cases, external piles may develop blood clots (thrombosis), leading to intense pain and swelling.

Bleeding During Bowel Movements:

Bleeding is a common symptom of piles. Pregnant women may notice bright red blood on the surface of the stool or on toilet paper after wiping.

Preventive Measures for Piles During Pregnancy:

High-Fiber Diet:

Eating a diet rich in high-fiber foods can help prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your meals.

Staying Hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining bowel regularity and preventing constipation. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Regular Exercise:

Engaging in moderate physical activity, such as walking or swimming, can help improve blood circulation and prevent constipation.

Avoiding Straining During Bowel Movements

Avoid straining during bowel movements, as it can exacerbate swollen blood vessels. If you feel the need to strain, try to relax and wait for a more natural urge to pass stools.

Treatment Options for Piles During Pregnancy

Conservative Measures

For mild cases of piles, conservative measures may be sufficient to relieve symptoms. These measures include dietary changes, increased fiber intake, and maintaining good anal hygiene.

Topical Medications

Over-the-counter topical creams or ointments containing hydrocortisone or witch hazel can provide relief from itching and discomfort.

Sitz Baths

Sitz baths, where the anal area is soaked in warm water, can help reduce pain and inflammation.

Surgical Intervention (if necessary)

In rare cases when conservative measures are ineffective, surgical intervention may be considered. However, surgical treatments are usually avoided during pregnancy and are reserved for severe cases that do not improve after delivery.

Piles After Pregnancy: What to Expect:

Postpartum Recovery:

In many cases, piles that develop during pregnancy may improve or resolve on their own after delivery. As the pressure on the pelvic area decreases, the swollen blood vessels may gradually shrink.

Tips for Managing Piles After Delivery:

  • Continue with a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation.
  • Stay hydrated to maintain bowel regularity.
  • Use over-the-counter topical creams for relief, if needed.
  • Practice good anal hygiene, including gentle cleansing after bowel movements.

When to Consult a Healthcare Professional

Persistent or Severe Symptoms:

If you experience persistent or severe symptoms of piles during pregnancy, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Bleeding or Thrombosis:

If you notice excessive bleeding during bowel movements or develop a painful, swollen lump near the anus, seek medical attention promptly.

Lifestyle Changes Not Providing Relief:

If lifestyle changes and home remedies do not alleviate your symptoms, a healthcare professional can offer further guidance and treatment options.


Piles during pregnancy can be a source of discomfort and concern for expectant mothers. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures can help manage and alleviate this condition. In most cases, conservative measures and lifestyle changes can provide relief from piles during pregnancy. However, if symptoms persist or become severe, it’s crucial to seek medical attention for a proper evaluation and personalized treatment plan. Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and consulting with a qualified healthcare professional is the best approach to ensure a healthy and comfortable pregnancy journey.

How Can Medfin Help?

Medfin is a daycare surgery expert providing access to the latest surgical procedures and top doctors in your city at affordable prices. Medfin provides you access to top doctors for piles with 10+ years of experience . With Medfin, you can leave your hassles behind and focus on your health. From instant consultations to paperwork assistance, we have got you covered with everything.  So why wait? Call us today! 


1. Are piles common during pregnancy?

Yes, piles are common during pregnancy due to increased pressure on the pelvic area and hormonal changes. The growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the rectal area, leading to their swelling and inflammation.

2. What are the typical symptoms of piles during pregnancy?

Piles during pregnancy may cause itching, discomfort, and pain in the anal and rectal area. Pregnant women may also experience bleeding during bowel movements or notice a lump near the anus.

3. Can piles be prevented during pregnancy?

While piles may not always be preventable during pregnancy, certain measures can help reduce the risk. Maintaining a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding straining during bowel movements can minimize the chances of developing piles.

4. How are piles treated during pregnancy?

For mild cases, conservative measures such as dietary changes, sitz baths, and topical medications may provide relief. Surgical treatments are usually avoided during pregnancy and reserved for severe cases that do not improve post-delivery.

5. When should I consult a doctor for piles during pregnancy?

If you experience persistent or severe symptoms of piles, notice excessive bleeding, or develop a painful lump, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly. A healthcare professional can offer proper evaluation and guidance for effective management during pregnancy.