Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Cure Piles in 3 Days, A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Treatment

Cure Piles in 3 Days, A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Treatment
by admin
22nd August 2023
5 minutes read


Hemorrhoids, commonly referred to as piles, are a common ailment affecting a significant portion of the adult population worldwide. Dealing with the discomfort and pain they bring can be challenging. However, with the right hemorrhoid

 treatment, it’s possible to manage and even cure this condition effectively. It’s worth noting that while some treatments promise a ‘piles cure in 3 days’, the actual healing period may vary from person to person.

Understanding Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the lower part of the rectum and anus. The walls of these vessels can stretch so thin that the veins bulge, getting irritated, especially when you poop. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external and can cause symptoms like pain, itching, bleeding, and discomfort.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Mild hemorrhoids often respond well to home remedies. Here are some strategies you can adopt to ease your symptoms at home:

Eat fiber-rich foods: A diet rich in fiber can help soften your stool, reducing strain during bowel movements.

Apply topical treatments: Over-the-counter hemorrhoid medications, including ointments, creams, or suppositories, can help relieve pain and inflammation.

Take a sitz bath: Soaking in a warm bath for 15 minutes a few times a day, especially after bowel movements, can help soothe the affected area.

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can prevent constipation, reducing the strain during bowel movements.

While home remedies can provide relief, it’s essential to remember that they may not entirely cure hemorrhoids, especially if they are severe or permanent hemorrhoids.

Medical Treatment for Hemorrhoids

If your symptoms persist or worsen despite home treatments, it’s time to find a hemorrhoid doctor near you. A doctor for hemorrhoids can offer several treatment options depending on the severity of your condition.

Hemorrhoids Medication

Oral medications and topical creams with corticosteroids or lidocaine can be used to alleviate inflammation, pain, and swelling. They are often considered the best hemorrhoid medicine for mild to moderate cases.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

For persistent hemorrhoids, your doctor might suggest minimally invasive procedures such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, or coagulation therapies. These procedures aim to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink and fall off eventually.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

In severe cases where other treatments have failed, hemorrhoid removal or hemorrhoid surgery, also known as hemorrhoidectomy, might be necessary. During this procedure, the piles doctors removes excessive tissue causing the bleeding and protrusion. It’s the best treatment for hemorrhoids that are large, prolapsed, or causing severe symptoms.

The hemorrhoid surgery cost can vary depending on the exact procedure and location. However, most health insurances cover these procedures when deemed medically necessary.

Finding the Right Treatment

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to treating hemorrhoids. What works best for you will depend on the severity of your condition, your overall health, and the specific symptoms you’re experiencing.

Remember, while some treatments might promise a ‘piles cure in 3 days’, healing is a process that takes time. Depending on the treatment method used, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for hemorrhoids to heal completely.


Living with hemorrhoids can be uncomfortable and even painful, but there are numerous piles treatment options available to alleviate your symptoms and cure your condition. Home remedies, medications, and medical procedures can all effectively treat hemorrhoids.

When choosing a treatment, it’s essential to speak with a medical professional. A hemorrhoid doctor near you can guide you through your options, ensuring you choose a treatment that’s right for you.

Hemorrhoids might be common, but you don’t have to live with the discomfort. Whether through home remedies, the best hemorrhoid medicine, or even removing hemorrhoids surgery, there are ways to heal and move towards a healthier, more comfortable life. Remember, your well-being is worth the time it takes to heal properly.

How can Medfin help?

Medfin is a daycare surgery expert providing access to the latest surgical procedures and top doctors in your city at affordable prices. Medfin provides you access to top doctors and surgeons with 10+ years of experience . With Medfin, you can leave your hassles behind and focus on your health. From instant consultations to paperwork assistance, we have got you covered with everything.  So why wait? Call us today! 

Click To Know More About Piles Treatments, Symptoms, Causes and Prevention


1. Can piles be cured in 3 days?

While some mild cases of piles may show improvement in a few days, complete cure within 3 days is unlikely for most people. It’s essential to follow a comprehensive treatment plan and make lifestyle changes for long-term relief.

2. Is it necessary to see a doctor for piles?

If you experience persistent or severe symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

3. Can dietary changes help with piles?

Yes, adopting a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding spicy and processed foods can help prevent and manage piles.

4. Can piles go away on their own without treatment?

In some cases, mild piles may subside on their own with lifestyle changes and home remedies. However, seeking medical advice is recommended to prevent complications and ensure proper management.

5. Are there any home remedies to alleviate piles symptoms?

Yes, some home remedies may help relieve piles symptoms temporarily, such as using over-the-counter creams, taking sitz baths, and consuming high-fiber foods.