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what does severe osteoarthritis mean?

Severe osteoarthritis means the condition has progressed to a stage where there is significant joint damage, leading to intense pain, reduced mobility, and possibly bone-on-bone contact in the affected joint. This stage often requires more intensive treatments, including the Read more

Medfin Expert
Edited 102 days ago by

Dr. Medfin Expert

is osteoarthritis hereditary?

Osteoarthritis can have a hereditary aspect, especially in cases where multiple family members are affected, suggesting a genetic predisposition. However, its occurrence is also strongly influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors.

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Medfin Expert
Edited 102 days ago by

Dr. Medfin Expert

is osteoarthritis genetic?

osteoarthritis can have genetic component, particularly in cases where it develops at an earlier age or in multiple family members. However, environmental and lifestyle factors like obesity, joint injury, and age also play significant roles in its development.

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Medfin Expert
Edited 102 days ago by

Dr. Medfin Expert

does fasting help osteoarthritis?

Fasting may have some benefits in reducing inflammation associated with osteoarthritis, but its effectiveness varies among individuals. It's important to consult with a orthopedic surgeon before starting any fasting regimen, as it may not be suitable for Read more

Medfin Expert
Edited 102 days ago by

Dr. Medfin Expert

can osteoarthritis of the knee be reversed?

Osteoarthritis of knee cannot be reversed, as it involves gradual wear and tear of joint cartilage, but its progression can be slowed, and symptoms managed effectively with appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes. Regular low-impact exercise, weight management, and medical Read more

Medfin Expert
Edited 102 days ago by

Dr. Medfin Expert

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